I have asked myself that question several times lately. I recently joined bear411. Now keep in mind that I'm in Wisconsin. Bear411 shows everyone. Not just people in your city. So a guy in Arizona hit me up. We got talking. By the end of the conversation he is asking to be in a long distance relationship with me. No joke. I don't even know how it happened. He wants to fly me out to meet him or come up to visit with me. And he was very persistent about it too. I said no and he asks me why. I said because I'm a cuddlier. I can't do a long distance relationships. Mainly because I can't be with the guy very often. So he says you can't even do that with a guy that lives near you. Actually you kinda can. Yeah you can't be with each other 24/7, but if you both want you can meet up somewhere. Or go over to the other's place. You can't do that in a long distance relationship. Plus the only sex you can have is phone or virtual. Yeah I can watch porn for that. So yeah that was fun. Then this guy that lives 2 hours away wants to meet up. I again point out that we live 2 hours away from each other. What could become of it unless one of us plans to move. So I ask everyone. What am I doing that I'm attracting guys that live way far away from me. How can I charm guys around me? I guess some guys are far more desperate than me. I talked to a friend of mine about it and he said yeah he's been there. He went as far as thinking about offering a guy a plane ticket. Just hope I never get to that point. Sadly I think I'm getting closer than I really want to.

A lot to notice about this photo. One the guy is in great shape. He has amazing definition too. Another is those low hanging balls. Third is that he's uncut. Fun fact 70% of the male population is uncut. But the thing I notice is the lack of shaving his pubes. That is something I never understood. I personally don't get why guys shave their pubes. I've been with guys that have. Personally I don't like it. The reason being is that pubes grab sweat so they tend to give a certain male scent off. I love sucking a guy with a strong scent down there. It drives me crazy. That's why when I see a guy with it shaved I still suck him, but I don't get into it as much as I would if they had pubes. Even if it means a little hair in my mouth.

This is a picture of Mitch Vaughn which is also currently his Twicon. I can not remember the name of the tumblr I got this off of. I wanted to remember. It's one that he retweeted. Anyway I don't know where this is. And it also looks like Mitch is just a bit younger. Or before he started shaving his head. I will say he does have the body I wish I had. One that is muscular, without being super huge. I can't get super huge. I just have a hard time putting on weight, but I'd like to pack on as much muscle as I can on my 5' 6" frame.

I'd so suck that dick. I do love dicks that stick straight out when they are erect. Just because it goes right into your mouth. You don't have to do a weird trick. Not to mention with it being straight out it's easy to do the all the way out, all the way in trick. Mine curves to the left so I can't do that.

J.C. Carter (with shaved pubes) is a guy that I just love watching. He always has incredible climaxes. Plus I love the sound of his voice. I first saw him in a Pantheon movie. Think it was Real Men 5 or something. He was having sex with a guy by a hot tub. I watched the preview for it all the time. When it came time for him to cum he said watch this and wham. There it was. Everywhere. Would never kick him out of bed.
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