Least that's what I like to tell myself. Thursday night/Friday morning I had a dream about Brock. Usually if I have a dream about Brock he shows up in the store and sure enough he did. Man that man is so depressing. I really wonder what in the world did I see in him. Just every time he comes in to talk he's just so damn depressing. Then on top of that I had a feeling my date was going to cancel on me. Just because the day before he was talking about how he didn't feel well. Well shortly after he cancels on me he posts on facebook that he's going to be hanging out with a friend. Why he couldn't just tell me hey I don't want to meet up because I've found someone else, or because I rather hang out with my friends is beyond me. Both sound less bullshit like than I had less money than I thought. My ex has been in on the whole me dating thing and he asked me today if I'd ever talk to him. Honestly I'm not going to go out of my way to try and contact him. If he contacts me yeah I will say something. If he asks me out, I'll be far too busy hanging out with my friend. As I've said before I've gained a 1 strike policy. It's not hard to respond back to a text at some point in the day, nor is it hard to simply reschedule a date. If a person treats me with respect than he would never have to worry about a 1 strike thing. He would always do the respectful thing that would keep him from getting a strike. So sadly I have to once again continue my search for a guy that lives in the area that isn't an asshole. So easier said than done.

I honestly think this guy has the perfect pelt. Plus his uncut dick isn't too shabby either. What I mean by perfect pelt is that his body hair doesn't look to course. It looks very soft and wavy. Perfect for just running your hands over during a movie. I'm a very tactile person and even with my ex I found myself rubbing his chest just to feel his fur. I do it with guys I meet as well. I like body hair, but not all body hair is soft and fun to pet.

Tom Howard is sadly another guy that was taken away far too early. He was another gay porn star that sadly died of AIDS. I think a lot of us do forget that just because someone has AIDS or HIV that they will look like they do. Don't know how many times I see a porn star or model and think wow they are the picture of health and turns out they are HIV positive. One reason why it never hurts to play safe.

Oh bless camera phones. I truly can't help but wonder how a guy like me ends up with an image like this. Have to wonder if this guy was so proud of his body that he leaked this photo onto the web, or if this is a photo that was on his profile from site and someone took it and uploaded and it spread from there. Either way, glad the guy took the picture.

Certainly not the best timed photo in the world. I'm trying to decide if the guy is getting ready to spit on his dick or if that's just some weird white mark. Personally I never got that. I have never felt the need to spit on my dick. Then again I jack off dry.
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