Friday, August 16, 2013

Hard to stay on track

Last night Ted was telling me about Harry. Harry officially said that he didn't want to be in a relationship (with Ted or anyone else) yesterday. So Ted is in the process of grieving. He's right at the angry point. See Harry told him many things like how they belong together or that they are God's reward to each other and that he can spend the rest of his life with him. Well needless to say the dude lied and is choosing to be single instead of with a guy that cares for him. Well we were talking last night. Well I was listening while Ted was talking. And he said something that really played on my insecurities. I know he didn't do it on purpose or even realize that he did it, but he did. He said that another one of our friends was asking if there is anything he could do or how he's feeling. So Ted put it in a way that best conveys how he feels. He said to the friend imagine if your guy suddenly said that he wanted to be single. Just out of the blue. He then referred that to me. Well needless to say that sat with me for awhile. So I just went on Growlr to see if Buck was on and look at his profile, like I always do when I'm feeling insecure. Well he had changed it and it didn't mention that he was seeing an amazing guy like always which didn't help. Then he wasn't saying too much last night. Yes he was at work, but usually it's pretty quiet and he can chat for a bit. So I came over this morning and we cleared it all up. He held me like he does and kissed me like he does. He also explained he was changing his profile the other night to reword it and kinda fell asleep while doing it. And in reading it, it did sound have completed. So now I'm doing better. I guess as my heart opens up more and more I'm going to be more and more insecure. Just hard to stay grounded sometimes.
 Woof! This picture is sexy for so many reasons. Hard dick that looks so delicious. The right amount of body fuzz to compliment the muscle. And that facial hair. Yep so sexy.
 Just nude sunbathing. I'm not a fan of guys with a full on santa beard, but this guy does make it work. Kinda has this grandfatherly quality to him.
 I hate the saggy pants trend, except on him because he's wearing no underwear. And he has such a nice ass too.
Just waiting for the day when Carl hardwick makes a come back. Just one more time for old time sake. Then again with the fact that Rusty Jeffers is a trainer it's looking like it won't happen. When he retired the Carl Hardwick title he hinted he may come back, but looks like he won't :(

1 comment:

  1. oh fuck! i loved this guy with a huge beard so dammm! who´s he?
