Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Don't ask me for advice

Today I'm hanging out with Buck after work. He recently started the Rockin' Body workout and he's a little sore. So it's just going to be a simple snuggle fest. This weekend is when the real fireworks begin. We still haven't done anal yet and it's not for lack of not wanting to. I think he really needed to feel I'm not in it just for sex and I needed to be able to trust him to bottom for him. So this weekend we are planning on getting it on. Should be fun.
Now onto the topic of today's blog. Have you ever been asked for your advice on something and just feel like no matter what you say won't really matter or that you are getting into something you shouldn't? Well that's how I feel when I give advice. I use to be really good at it, but seems like my skills have dulled or problems have become far more complicated. I can help my mom with advice because I know her and she does a decent job of giving me all the facts. And my advice isn't really advice. It's more of me presenting the same facts to her in a different way so she can come up with a solution she can live with. So with that in mind I can not give others advice. Correction I can, but I refuse to. I won't give advice unless I'm asked for it and even then I'm going to ask for more facts on the matter. If you ask me if you should dump your boyfriend I'm going to ask why do you think you need to. A lot of times it's not really that you want to dump your boyfriend as you are having troubles you need to workout. Plus the romantic in me is rarely going to say a relationship needs to break up unless it's REALLY bad or obvious the two people don't belong. The reason being is that I've had people give me advice that I never asked for. If they had just left me alone I could have come to the conclusion myself. I'm naturally rebellious. You tell me not to do something, I'm so likely to do it. Unless it's just plain stupid. Yes I'm talking about my relationship with Coach. Everyone was so quick to give me advice I didn't ask for and it felt like talking behind my back. So my advice always has to be asked for and when it is I'm getting all the facts.
Awhile back (like a few days ago) I posted a picture of Antonio and mentioned I'd never seen him in an "offseason" look. Someone commented that they wanted to see him off season. I didn't know if this person has seen one of him off season or just didn't pay attention to the fact that I haven't seen him off season. Well this interview basically proves he doesn't have an off season look. According to the interview he's 5' 6" 175lbs at 4% body fat and likes to stay that way. So sorry guys you won't see him off season unless he gets hurt or just stops caring about his look which I don't think will happen any time soon. You also get to see some posing and some full frontal nudity spliced into the interview.
 This is one of the earlier photos of Titpig I remember. Before I actually saw actual video clips of guys going at it I liked pictures. Like I said Titpig was one of the guys I was crushing on. I think it had to do with the daddy vibe he had. That and how he wasn't like the typical guy I found attractive. At the time I was into bodybuilders and they were all shaven. He was hairy, had very perky nips, a beard, smoked, and was the first guy I saw with a PA. Looking at this image reminds me of my earlier days in porn exploration.
 This is a lot harder than it looks. You have to get the bottom in the right position to do this and the dick has to be long enough. The closest I've come is a little bit of the head in my mouth as I fucked.
 This was for sure a very hot scene. It is from Hot times in Little Havana if I recall right. The guy sucking all the dicks is looking for his lover who went to the US and he didn't hear from him again. In this scene he finds a group of guys who make up a fivesome relationship. Then again I'd have a hard time choosing just one of these guys too.
 There are so many different types of selfies. This one just seems like he was asked to take a naked selfie and he reluctantly agreed. Some guys smile or flex or get into it a little. Not him. Guess he'll just let his body do the talking.


  1. do you have a relationship with your coach? coach football or coach bodybuilding?

    1. No Coach was the alias I used for my most recent ex. He wasn't an actually Coach, but he had a fantasy about being a coach of a team and then fucked by one of the players.

  2. wow doe I loved this idea! fucked by one of the players! create a post about it!
