Thursday, December 6, 2012

Triad Curiosity

I stumbled across this image and it got me thinking. Is this an image from some threesome porno or are we looking at an actual triad relationship. For those of you who aren't familiar with such things, basically is a threesome relationship. All three would be boyfriends. I've always been curious about such relationships. At times they do seem appealing since I have no guy and in a triad you would have two guys. Then at other times I think it's not fair cause you are basically splitting your heart between two guys. Also seems like I'm coming across a lot of porn based on triad relationships. It just begs so many questions that I kinda want answered. I'm not condemning nor endorsing such relationships. Like I said I personally go back and forth between wanting one and not wanting one. I wouldn't mind if one of my readers who is one or was in one would answer a few. It can be done in comments or you can just shoot me an e-mail at (don't get all excited. Water is my favorite element, master is part of a username I use to use when I was on gaiaonline and 2121 is part of my personal e-mail). So I guess here are my questions.
1. How does one get into a triad relationship? I mean is it two guys who are a couple that decide to bring in a third? Does it come from every guy sleeping with another and realizing that one possess something the other doesn't? I've been asked before by a couple and I just felt like I'd always be a third wheel.
2. How does the relationship work. What I mean by that is what are the dynamics. Are there rules that the only time you guys can play is together. I knew of an open triad that talked about it on scruff when I was down in Texas. Do you all go on dates together or what? What do you guys do that ensures that no one feels left out or do you use jealousy to stay together? I asked because the only triad I really know of was Daniel Marvin and Pedro Andreas and according to rumors, Daniel ran off with the guy they brought in.
3. If you guys broke up what happens to everyone? Is it a clean break like all three of you go your separate ways or did two form a duo couple? Again this is not trying to be condemning, but I'm just curious. I know that when I broke up with my exes it wasn't civil and I just wonder how a triad break up will go.
These are just a few things I've always wondered about. Right now with no guy to call my own I'm just curious about different relationships. Maybe I'm giving myself too little credit and a triad relationship might be perfect for me. I just want a little peak behind the looking glass. I may never get answers unless I get into one, but at least I'm asking the questions.

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