So I had the talk with my boyfriend. It was quite uneventful. He mentioned that he was nervous about bringing it up himself. He said that I should be more aggressive. That when we have sex he doesn't have to cum. Just has to know I'm enjoying myself. Which is nice, but well kinda not the point of sex for me. I also enjoy seeing my partner pleasured. Just doesn't seem right if he doesn't have any desire to climax. We also talked about other things so now all is good in the kingdom for the moment. In other news I think all this constant release has been good for my hormone levels. I say that because my dreams have gotten really crazy and vivid lately which is a sign that I'm on a pro-hormone or a Test booster. I'm also slightly hornier then usual. Which is nice. My workouts have also been better. Need to keep this up. I also seem to be losing some weight around the midsection. I haven't weighed myself recently, but I actually will be doing that pretty soon. Actually I should do it on Saturday. Wouldn't be shocked if my body fat has lowered quite a bit. Well gone back to what it use to.

I have yet to meet a guy that actually looks like this and it kinda saddens me. What I mean by that is that I've yet to meet a guy in pretty good shape that looks like an amateur bodybuilder or a fitness model. It's one of those things on my bucket list. Just to see what it's like. Don't need to have a relationship with them. Besides a physical one.

As I've said before I'm not a super big fan of morphs because they always look so outrageous that I don't get into them. This one is one of the few I don't have a problem with. Yeah the arms look odd, but at the same time it doesn't look so out there. Obviously the cock was enhanced and the arms are different from the torso, but hey it works. Once you shut off your logic.

I simply like fit guys with tattoos. There is flat out no getting around it. I think that tattoos can enhance the natural beauty of a body. When done right and not in excess. I've seen some where it's so busy that you notice the tattoo rather then the body. This guy has just enough for me. Just something about touching the ink on a body like that, that awakens my cock.
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