So seems like I'm feeling normal. Well as normal as a gay man writing a porn blog with a porn boyfriend can be anyway. Today I think I'm just trying to stop from exploding. There is an election going on and I'm just getting sick of this whole political system. One of the reasons why I mentioned I wanted to move to Canada. Things with my boyfriend are still a bit rocky. Just really thinking that we need to go to couples counseling which of course we can't do here. The reason being is that I don't feel like I can tell him how I'm feeling without him taking it very personal and throwing it in my face that I chose to move up here. Oh well I either have to bit the bullet or suffer with this blog. Probably the 2nd option. Again so much is in the air right now that I don't know what I'm going to do. The friend thing has worked itself out. Well sort of. He's now apologizing and trying to figure out what he did. I should talk to him, but honestly I don't want to. I think I'm feeling normal because I'm not having withdrawal symptoms anymore. I use to have someone that I could talk to every day then he doesn't show up for 5 days and I was having some sort of withdrawal on top of the stress from my job and this politically charged environment. It will get better I keep telling myself. I swear I'm thinking about finding a sugar daddy.

I'm a Libra. Which I'm sure explains quite a few things? I saw this image and figured hey let's share it. There are quite a few dirty images having to do with Astrology. I know I sent my bf an e-mail showing a drawing of Libra and Cancer. His had two guys 69ing. The sign of cancer of course. I think my guy was sitting on a cock while holding two cocks. Can't remember. I should look for that e-mail. Bet it's long gone though. Anyway that's why I posted this here.

I find this image interesting. I also think I should have cropped it before posting it. What is interesting is that the guy's cock is positioned right where the light is hitting his lamp. It looks like he's dripping cum. It made me notice because it looks like a morphed photo because the cum was so white then I looked closer. The guy also has an amazing body. Plus I love guys who stick straight out when they are hard. Just more fun to suck and play with then one that curves.

I saw this image and I'm trying to figure out if it's real or not. Kinda looks like it was a scan of a newspaper. I mean it very well could be for a news story. I mean look at the guy doing the grabbing. Doesn't even try to hide it. Then the guy behind the action has this look like what the hell? That's why I find this image hard to believe. Just seems too perfect, but again it has a scanned type quality. Guess I'll never know unless I do more work then I'm willing to put in.
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