Yeah I got side tracked with a hookup today so the story I had will have to be put off until tomorrow. Possibly longer. I will get started on it today after my blog posts. And looking for videos. Anyway my hookup was terrible. I should have said no thanks when I realized how far he was. Well not only was he far away, but I asked him to send photos so I know what I'm looking at. Well the photos were dark and from his cellphone. That again should have sent warning flags. I get there and it's obvious this guy has lied about his age. Either that or he has had a hard life. He's at least 10 years older then what he said. Yeah I like older guys, but not that old. His dick also looked odd. Like it got freckled a lot. No visible ballsac. I mean it's like they never dropped. I just couldn't get into it. So I figured well at least he has a nice ass I get to fuck. I flip him up to get a look at his ass. Oh dear god was it ugly. It was one of those outy type. The one where it looks like the hooked up a vacuum to it and sucked it out. Just flat out terrible. Yeah not hooking up with him again. I should have looked at him and said yeah it's not going to happen, but no. I have to have a conscience that makes it impossible for me to be rude to people even when they lie to me. Oh and what was better is as I'm sitting there getting ready to leave his boyfriend pops in. The bf didn't seem too shocked to see me. Well after we met. Yeah never again. Well for every good hookup there are like what 5 bad ones? I've had two good ones and now one bad. So I'm long overdue.

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