Wednesday, May 29, 2013

In the lull phase

For steady readers of my blog the fact I'm in a lull is not all that surprising. Usually it happens when nothing has drawn my attention or I'm just not in the mood. It's just the same old same old with me. Also doesn't help that I could end up out of a job by July. Also doesn't help that I keep getting yelled at by customers. Amazing how everyone thinks their product that they buy is so much more important than any other customer that comes into the store. Plus if it was so easy to run a store then don't you think everyone would do it. Still haven't heard from the guy I went out on a date with (shocker) and it's still gloomy out. Yep....long week.
 I'm all for guys with fuzzy faces. I just like facial hair of any sort. Usually a strong face bush means a lot of fur on the body. I am not a guy that can get a real beard going, but I got plenty of chin hair. Kinda like how I have like no chest hair, but once you hit my treasure trail I just get uber hairy.
 I want to do this to so many guys all the time. I work in a nutrition store and from time to time we do get some actually physically fit guys. They usually aren't this built, but pretty close. Love a good set of pecs on guys.
 And this is why I love bara. They feature the type of guys I'm super attracted to. Nicely built, with a bit in the middle. Fuzzy faces that would feel so great rimming an ass. Wish I had a source to get some.
I was trying to figure out if this was an optical illusion or if this guy really had that big of a dick. Upon closer inspection you can tell he has a cock ring around his dick. I'm also sure he vacuum pumped too. Quite a massive sausage.


  1. holy fuck! i lov this bulls! i lov this gift who are this two guy? his names please!
    please post more haired giant bulls !

  2. hi Doe i'am steady reader of your blog! sorry for his job ! these things happen ,you will survive! I wish you much happiness!
    i lov bara too, beffy bodybuilders big giant ass ....
    i folow you i linked his blog ! link my blog too!
