Friday, May 17, 2013

Feeling pretty drained

Don't know why, but I'm just so tired today. This morning I was fine, but now I'm just so blah. Not feeling any motivation to do anything. I could blame it on the weather, but I've actually been wanting it to rain. I think the problem is that I haven't been busy at work. When you come in at before 10 and stay until about 6 everyday with a few people here and there it's very draining. Just making it hard for me to keep my chin up. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
 Nice and scruffy. A guy that's hairy is always a plus. Just the added texture really gets me going. I've gotten beard burn from kissing a guy who had a goatee a bit too hard. The odd thing is that it actually turned me on.
 Just posing in the locker room. I wonder who's taking the photo. A friend or a "friend". When it comes to gym partners it's always hard to tell.
 Would so like to look like that when I get older. These guys are the type that can get anyone that want most of the time. All the young guys want a guy like this and most guys around their age wouldn't mind being with a guy that built.
This guy is cute and all and does have a great body, but I'd love to see a bit more meat on him. Would I turn him down if he asked me out, hell no. Would I be ok if he put on a bit of weight and filled out more of course.

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