Thursday, November 1, 2012

The weekend is closer

So Saturday is almost upon us. Saturday is the day I'm going to play disc golf with the guy I met last week. I actually found him on facebook. Turns out that he's actually 3 years older than me. Going to show that manhunt doesn't self update your age even though they ask for your b-day. Can say I'm honestly looking forward to this. Just something fun to do. If we decide to do more then we do more, but right now looks like only disc golf and some teasing. I think I'll be lucky if I get to kiss him. He's also 6' 1" which means that I'll be doing a bit of looking up. I don't have any problem with being with a taller guy, but it does make me very aware that I'm short. So it should be nice. The week has been going decent and I can't complain. We will see how long it last once Ted figures out that I'm hanging out with another guy. Hence why I haven't kept my hopes too high.
This is me wearing the undershirt to my scrubs yesterday. Someone (Adam) seemed to like it so I figured why not post it here. As you can see my nipples are visible which is pretty much the case always. That's why I don't like wearing tight clothes.
I was born in the year of the dragon so I kinda have a little fascination with dragons. Needless to say that's not the only reason why I like this picture. I wonder what the context of this photo is. I'm wondering if someone asked to see the rest of his tattoo or did he need to take a piss right there. From the lack of women and no one caring it looks like it's some gay event.

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