I found this image on Roids and Rants blog. I like this image for the plain reason that this guy is very defined. He's built, but not overly muscular. I think these types of guys are the type that porn should be looking at. Yes it seems that the porn industry is moving towards guys that really aren't the average guy. I'm not saying this guy in the picture is average, but I am saying that he's more average then some of the models you'll see on Jimmy Z or anywhere else. It seems like we are moving more towards the guys that are so in human. What I mean is that guys that are only as big as they are because they do roids and they cum about as much as what would be in a tiny squirt gun, or it's a guy with a dick that's so huge that there is no one can take it on the first, second, or third go. Or who's balls are so swollen from pumping them they just look wrong. It seems like there is this movement to have one defining trait. Either you have the best body, or the most tattoos, or the biggest balls, or the biggest dick, or the biggest ass hole, or you shoot the most cum. What happened to the guy that had a good build, a good size dick, and shot a decent load? We honestly are making porn way more fantasy then reality so that when we see these people on the street we worship them like gods. I mean how can someone like that have a normal relationship really? What I'm trying to say I guess is that porn seems to be doing it's best to move so far away from average that the porn stars can't have a normal life and guys that watch porn have such a warped since of how sex works that they can't have a normal relationship. Believe it or not, but what we see does affect us. If you're so use to seeing guys with over sized muscles that when you meet someone with a decent build who is showing interest in you, there is a good chance you'll pass them up. Or if you do start in on a relationship with them you'll end up with another guy that comes along and is bigger because that's what you've seen in porn all the time. Honestly I was one of those people. I think being in a healthy relationship and seeing how some of those type of guys act has pushed me out of that. Plus seeing how hard it really is to get big. I really do wish I could add 5 more lbs. Well that's just what I think.
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