Wednesday, September 4, 2013


It amazes me still what some guys will do. I don't hide the fact that I'm in a relationship in any of my profiles. Yet I am amazed that I still have this happen from time to time. Some guy randomly messages me on a site or app. We chat for a bit then comes the question of what are you doing this weekend or can we hook up. Well I answer both with either I'm hanging out with my boyfriend or I'm happy with the guy I'm dating. Then I either get very short one word answers or they just stop talking to me completely. Had one guy on lifeout do that. We were chatting, both found out we are from Texas. Was a nice conversation. On my profile it clearly states I'm in a relationship. He saw my profile multiple times. Asked me what I was doing on Saturday (this was like 2 weeks ago) and I said staying over at my bfs. He hasn't said a word to me since. I bring this up because I had a guy who use to talk to me every few days. When he found out I was dating someone he just shut down. All of a sudden he messages me last night. I answered it today. We chatted. He then asked if I was still with my boyfriend. I said yep. Just over 2 months. He then suddenly had to stop talking to me to go take a shower. Probably won't hear from him for another 2 months. Now I'm not so oblivious that I don't know there is some disappointment when you find out a guy is dating someone. That being said if their profile clearly states they are dating someone you have no one to blame, but yourself. Especially if it says it within the first 2 sentences. Plus just because a guy is dating someone doesn't mean he can't be a good friend. And you never know. Down the line you may end up together, or you can realize there is no way it would work. Hell they may know someone that is perfect for you. Being rude always cuts off your own arm. You miss an opportunity to meet a lot of nice people that way.
 Well that's a pretty awesome sight to see on the beach. Wonder if this is on a nude beach. Guys like this are the reason why I could never go to a nude beach. That and all the boobs. I know erections are frowned upon in nude beaches. Not like you can help not popping one seeing a guy like this.
 This is Xavier. Haven't seen him doing any videos recently. Then again I don't really follow the studios he usually works with. Plus I'm kinda tired of seeing gay for pay guys. Yet that being said I'd still at least suck him off.
 Another interesting drawing. I still think bald guys are sexy. Especially with the right amount of muscle.
This is a gif of Paul Carrington having fun with Tom Katt's ass. I swear one of the main reasons Tom had such a fantastic ass has to do with his small stature. It doesn't take much for us short guys to build mass. Especially in the legs.


  1. doe You are very faithful in their relationships dont you?
    i love your blog ! i loved tom katt´s ass how tall is he? How did tom katt get such big legs and enormous ass?

    1. yes I am faithful when in a relationship. Only way I can be. I don't know how tall he was specifically, but I want to say around 5' 6" or 5' 7". I'm sure his stats are somewhere.

  2. paul carrignton is savoring tom kat´s ass! I'd love to have massives thighs like tom! he used lot of steroids too.

  3. doe please i´m 19 yo How to Get Bigger Legs like tom katt? I want to stay with that huge ass !!! I train makes 2 years

    1. Squats. Not just squats doing squats correctly. Also throw in deadlifts too. And of course leg press.

  4. incredible bubble ass! roids?
