Thursday, September 26, 2013

Forgetting where you come from

I think you can tell a lot about a porn star by how they view their porn career once it's over and how they interact with their fans. For instance you have Tom Katt who at one point seemed to really enjoy his work suddenly became a born again christian and married and shuns his former work by saying he only did gay porn to pay for his steroids. Then there was Tom Chase who thanked his fans for their devotion and simply said he was going back to his private life. Then there are others who just disappear and we figure they retire like Jack Radcliffe. With that in mind I think you should give this blog entry a read from the men of porn blog here. I read that yesterday and honestly a lot of things make sense now. I have never been a fan of Spencer Reed. Yes he's physically the type of guy I usually go for, but for some reason I just could never get into his scenes. He wasn't the first one. Erik Rhodes (R.I.P.) never did it for me either. Just was something that I couldn't relate to. Well turns out the reason was probably because of his depression and I myself have been diagnosed with Depression. I guess I could tell something was up and just didn't want to see it. Anyway back to Spencer. I can understand that you want to move on with your life and your new career, but to be an asshole about it. First off why simply change the handle of your twitter account? If you hate your porn fans so much then why not start fresh. Cody Cummings did it. Others have done it. The other thing that bothers me is that he was retweeting mentions of his stuff and for awhile was talking to guys who are still in the business. In fact I think he still does. At the time of this posting he had tweeted Doug Jeffries 22 hours ago. And then to get so pissy about people sending warm regards about him being in the hospital. Most people would at least say thank you. Nope he decides that all his porn fans are "disgusting" and wants nothing to do with them even if some think his DJ work is good. Well there you have it. The reason I most likely couldn't ever get into him is because he's an asshole. A guy that can't accept that he did porn, guys got off to him doing porn, and now some of those guys enjoy his music. A smart guy would embrace his fans and use them to propel him into his new career. Look at Colton Ford. Well DJ Spencer Reed can rest assured that I won't be posting any of his stuff on this blog and I'm not a fan of his porn work or his DJ work.
 Easy to tell what this guy is ready for. I just wonder if this is a hook up or actually from a studio. With so many places using motels and hotels as the background it's getting harder and harder to tell.
 We've all had that one cumshot where we wish we had it filmed to show everyone we can shoot. Well this guy has one better. Someone made it into a constant loop gif.
 This is a Logan drawing. He has a style that's easily recognizable. I don't know if he's put out a new issue of either one of his comics though. Then again putting out an erotic comic isn't as easy as we'd all like to think it is.
I know this guy uses the handle irish wrestler. Don't know if he's posted anything recently to xtube. I remember a time when he was pretty much everywhere on xtube. Then again I was on it a lot more myself (looking not posting).


  1. nostalgia! Too bad they´re all gone ! i loved jack radclif tom katt is my love !

    Parla con me, parlami di te

    io ti ascolterò (Eros Ramazzoti)

  2. these guys are bastards i hate them all! traitors judas... . i forgive Jack Radiclife he´s a lovely beefcacke

    1. I wouldn't say they are all traitors. Just Tom Katt and Spencer Reed. Those that act like doing porn was such a burden to them or those that remember them from their porn days are sick.

  3. there are a lot of actors who are gone but i don´t remember their names. where are
    jake cannon and j. t. (playng with fire) ? DOE create a post of actors missing!

    1. That would be a huge post. Especially since I have no way of finding out where they are now.

  4. I'm curious to know where they are now! Bob MacHeath he did playng of fire too. his blond furry bubble butt is amazing. bob gone forever

    1. I will say the older the video is that they last appeared they harder they are to track down.

  5. Bob MacHeath is freak i loved his big butted ass too! please where is he?

    1. I wouldn't even know where to look. The only reason I ever know of a porn star retiring is I find an article because they made such a big deal or I'm apart of a yahoo group for that porn star.

  6. What is this guys name. Anyone know?
