Friday, September 13, 2013

Can't use logic in an illogical situation

Some advice my dad has given me that has been hard for me to do is pretty much what the title says. I'm a very logical person. It's just something I do. Even when it comes to emotions I'm pretty rational. For example if a guy breaks up with me it hurts, but eventually I kinda go cold robot for awhile and just think about all the logical warning signs I ignored. Well lately there have just been these things that make me wonder what the fuck?
The first is Ted's new guy. Well I shouldn't say new guy. I should say his new interest sort of. After what happened with Harry he's been a lot more cautious about this one. Well the guy is making a 2 hour trip to come see Ted. Ted is a planner and was wondering if he knew when he was going to be coming into town. Well the guy said he would let him know Friday night. Ok that's odd. He's also suddenly stopped writing so much. At first when Ted was very reluctant he would write these long novel e-mails saying give him a chance. Now Ted is lucky to even get a sentence in return. So much to make you go huh? Typically you don't break communication before the first date. Least I don't. It shows you are still interested.
Another illogical situation has to do with Ted's daughter. Shortly after her separation from her husband she met this guy. They seemed to hit it off well and before you know it, they are dating. Sadly the whole time I'm thinking this is moving too fast, but I held my tongue. They were together for 4 months. The guy even gave her a promise ring. Then all of a sudden he stopped talking to her. Yes he was starting school soon, but he just stopped talking. Won't even say hi to her at work. Later Ted finds out that his daughter had talked to one of the guy's aunts. She said he's asked two other girls to marry him then all of a sudden dumped them. I don't understand how a person can do that. I can understand backing off, but to do it just all of a sudden. And there were no warning signs. It's not like he suddenly kept snapping at her. He went up to see his parents then when he got back it's like he was a new person. Just doesn't make sense.
Lastly is why are guys suddenly obsessed with me. Again I haven't changed my profile to say I'm single or in an open relationship. Within the last week I've had three guys unlock their private photos on growlr. Suddenly everyone wants to talk to me as well. I just don't see the logic in that either. If you just want to chat ok that's fine. I can understand that. What is your goal in unlocking your photos to show me your cock. I'm in a relationship. Do you think that I'll see your cock and fall in love with it and say fuck the guy I'm with take me? Like I said. Adding logic to an illogical situation.
 If I was to guess I would say this was after a bodybuilding show. I say that because of the really dark skin color. Almost seems like a tan, but isn't. He's also pretty ripped so I would say he's in competition shape. Shame the had to put a towel over his junk.
 This can be both hot and really annoying at the same time. When a guy takes your cock all the way in it's hot, but the sound a guy makes that sounds like he's about to vomit isn't. I find that it all depends on if the guy is being forced to deep throat it or doing it of his own free will. I can deep throat most guys, but I can't do it when someone shoves my head down.
I'm guessing either this guy is getting ready to go to the gym or just got back. At first I thought he was wearing a singlet, but you can see at the very bottom he's wearing some sort of bottoms. Certainly wouldn't mind this guy being at my gym.

Brad Hollibaugh brought to you by PornHub
I figured I'd do something special today. I was going through videos and I found this one of Brad Hollibaugh. Like I said I don't know what he's doing recently. His site is still up. Anyway this is a video of him pumping his legs and arms and doing some posing practice. This was around the time when he's arms kinda normalized. If you look at picture of Brad through the years you can kinda see what I'm talking about. He still has (or had) huge biceps, but now they don't seem like the focal point. Seems like the rest of his body is now as impressive. 


  1. pic 1 is amazing hot he look like Brad Hollibaug. brad is a fuckin beast

  2. brad hollibaugh is teaser ! doe have some video of him showing his asshole?

  3. this man is gorgeous freak i love when Brad pump his muscles did he porn?
