Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Homophobia or Racism

One morning recently I woke up to a text from a friend asking if I was on the Greg Proops show. Well it's a podcast not a show. Anyway he said that he was interviewing a black gay man who went by the same nickname as I did in college. Now this guy lives in Chicago and I live in Wisconsin, but still kinda weird. Anyway Greg asked him as a gay black man which do you come into contact with more, Homophobia or Racism. This of course got me thinking. Which one do we run into more. See I'm an anomaly. I'm often confused for having a white and black parent even though my grandparents are black. My parents have light skin and light hair. Maybe somewhere back in my lineage there is white, but as far back as I know I'm black. So I have to deal with a whole different set of issues. I think that question really depends on the black man an the audience. You see as black men we are pretty much suppose to be strong black men when we grow up. We are expected to take a black woman as our wife and to provide for her and our families. Yet at the same time there is other stereotype tugging at us that we are suppose to be thugs. So for us to take a man as our spouse it's a big deal. Black communities can be far more homophobic than any other group. I said can be. I know some Asian communities can be worse. So this kinda breeds two types of black gay men. These aren't the only two, but they are the most common. You have the down low guy who will never call himself gay and will act super straight. Kinda like your James Collins. Guys who go into masculine fields and no one would ever finger. Then you have the very flamboyant gay black men. Basically your Lafayette from True Blood or Noah from Noah's Ark. Those two types get two totally different reactions. The more masculine acting will get more racism there way because they would fit into the black thug stereotype. The more flamboyant guys will get more homophobia since they now fit into the gay stereotype. Now this is from the general population. Going into more specific areas will get you other reactions. If you've read some of the comments on tube sites of two black men going at it, the comments are super racist. They would make the KKK proud. It's why I can't read comments anymore. Now I'm not talking about if you prefer white to black or latino to white. I mean these comments had every racial slur under the sun for every race but white. So yes within the gay community black men will experience racism on a scale that's sickening. It's a sad truth. If you don't believe me then go see how many black porn performers there are that don't have to do most of their work for black studios. Or look at descriptions of black men in videos. They are often referred to as thugs or gangsters. It's a real shame.
 I must say this is a first for me. I've never seen a guy do this unless he was shooting. And the whole scrotum shrinks. A very weird talent.
 I think this guy has nice pecs. The lack of a smile is a bit of a put off. I just feel like I get a better idea of what a guy is like when he smiles.
 I've seen this guy before, but I can not remember where. Which is weird because normally I'd remember a body like that. Just the right amount of size and definition.
Again wish there was a smile, but who cares if you have those arms wrapped around you. A well built guy can turn me into such a slut

1 comment:

  1. dude post more blacks in this blog i lve it man
    guy #2 is brute love her lips and pecs! guy # 3 is ripped
