So when I got home on Saturday things were still tense with me and my ex. Basically he didn't have a very good Friday night and was upset at me for not reading his mind. Well he apologized on Saturday, but it was still awkward. Plus I still had Brock on my mind. Well Sunday rolls around and I'm kinda just down. Finally do all the things I needed to do then I just vegged out and tweeted. Well I started talking to @musclebeefxxx. Well our conversation eventually added Adam Russo and Rocky LaBarre. Apparently we have agreed to have beef ( the name of his facebook) top and I'll be on camera. Well that made me feel better. Mainly because it kept my mind off Brock. Sadly I can't get him out of my head. I think because there is stuff I want to say to him, and yet I think I still want him to come and sweep me off my feet. Stupid emotions. I mean clearly the guy isn't relationship material, yet I still want it to work. Why can't I just be single for once. Why do I have to be in a relationship all the time? I mean me and Scott basically agreed it was not going to work. So why am I jumping on the Brock bandwagon. Think just because it gives me something to look forward to I guess.

I would love to come across this guy. He just has nips that need to be sucked. Plus if you have your shirt like that you are just asking for it. Not that I have a problem with it.

I know that this photo has been altered, but you got to admit it would be hot if this was from a video. A club of just bodybuilders fucking each other's brains out. Man how hot would that be. Both literally and figuratively. Wouldn't mind being the one that has to clean up after that.

I actually have the movie that this still came from on VHS. A friend of mine gave it to me when he was cleaning out his storage locker. Sadly the name of the movie doesn't come to mind. Anyway basically while this guy was stripping there was a threesome going on in the bathroom so it constantly went back and forth from that to this. Well this guy was a crowd favorite and had different guys in the crowd suck him. Then this lucky guy gets to have the load of the lifetime shot all over him.

This guy has a great back. And honestly a very strong back is a turn on for me. I was with a hookup who had a very nice wide back. I got behind him and kinda played back there and I almost shot looking at his back. This guy kinda reminds me of him, if the guy was older. I just wonder what the backstory is behind the photo. Was this pre sex or post sex? Did they get interrupted by his cellphone so whoever is behind the camera took a photo? Wish every photo did come with a backstory sometimes.
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