I am so tired of my brain constantly thinking. So Scott and I have been in contact and he kinda wants to give it a try, but now I'm not so certain. Last night we were joking around and he said something that really struck a nerve. He said he was joking, but just by the way he said it (this was over im) didn't sit well with me. Well it got me thinking. The guy lives an hour away. Yes he comes by to take care of doctors visits or things like that, but that is still an hour away. That means I would have to drive an hour just to see him. Well that's not fair to either of us. Then comes the fact that I am still living with my ex. That was the big source that caused us to break up in the first place. Then there is the age difference. Yes it is smaller than the gap between me and my ex, but there is still a gap. I haven't ever been with someone around my age. And honestly I kinda want to try it. Yes me and Scott have a lot in common, but it always feels like I'm walking on egg shells with him. Like anything I say can sometimes trigger him to be just pissed the fuck off. Anyway the thing is that I got thinking and it would be nice to be with someone that is pretty much where I am in life. I kinda don't want to have to worry about being daddy to kids that aren't mine just yet. Like to be able to make references that the guy will understand because he's around my age. Like to feel like he's not taking care of me. I told him I'd really sit down and think about it and I think I have my answer. The only problem is how the hell do I find someone my own age in this town. Most of the online dating services have guys that are older than me. Like in their 40's and it usually turns into just a hook up. And plus it would be nice to find a local guy. That way if we do get close we could come over to each others place without it being a long trek. Ugh why do I always have to think. Who knows maybe what that guy said was right. Maybe I could teach a guy my own age some tricks. And I probably wouldn't feel so awkward in bed. Knowing they know a hell of a lot more than me.

By far this is one of my favorite poses. That being said I can't help, but notice this guy's posers. Mainly the way they are made. It's a then strap then when you get to the pouch it sure does widen up. Looks like there is quite a bit in there.

I saw this picture and it made me ask the question. When do you say no to tattoos as a bodybuilder. In a bodybuilding competition you are trying to show that your body is well a work of art. You are trying to not only show mass, but symmetry, along with creativity in your posing routine. That being said my eye goes straight to his left hand which has this creepy looking tattoo. Right smack dab in the middle of his chest is another one. When does it get to the point that a judge has a hard time focusing on anything but the tattoos. Awhile ago I posted one of a recent Mark Dalton who got an arm tattoo. When he was doing a double bicep his arms looked so different that it messed with the symmetry. I also couldn't determine the size of it because of all the dark ink. Don't get me wrong I love tattoos on guys, but if you plan on being a bodybuilder you don't want too distracting tattoos right?

Well it must be 1 o' clock. His dick is very obvious in those wet posers. Which is one reason why I love when guys get wet. Clothes stick to your body more making certain things more visible.

The sad thing about this picture is the entire time I'm thinking he makes a better cowboy than fire fighter. The reason being is he just has that look of someone you'd think of as a cowboy. I think it's the beard. I mean how many fire fighters do you know that have beards? Seems like it's more mustaches than full grown beards. Then again maybe I'm just stereotyping and missing the bigger picture. Do say he does look good and good come rescue me any day.
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