Amazing how sometimes things just fall into place. Sorry this is late, but I had to order some dinner for tomorrow's party. And before you get all offended no they don't know I'm gay I decided I'd do it since I'm on the comp all the time anyway. Well so back to the falling into place. Me and Scott talked a lot more yesterday and we said you know what let's give us a try. We connect on tons of levels so let's do it. So as of right now I'm in a beginning parts of a relationship. We still aren't ready to call ourselves a full blown couple just yet. He has some stuff he needs to do and I want to wait a little longer to give my ex some time. The funny thing of this all is that while we were chatting he asked me if I had hooked up with this tall guy. I said I met a 6' 5" guy recently. He then described him a bit more. I said yeah that's him why are you asking? I'm thinking this guy must be HIV positive or something. He said oh that's my best friend. I said oh well we only blew each other in the backroom. Nothing more than that happened. Well we talked more and we all are just happy nothing else happened. Now Scott would have forgiven us, but we would have just felt terrible for doing that. Now to make things even better Scott has even said he wants to ask my ex. This was something he came up with all on his own. I never said anything about it. He said I want to do this. I know he has your best interests at heart. Plus I know we will be good friends. Yep things just fall into place sometimes.
What about Brock you may ask. I haven't talked him in 3 days. That's not including the text that I sent him. Going to prove yeah he didn't really have feelings for me. If he did than he would have texted me the second I didn't text him at my normal time. Or heck didn't even get on google latitude to update my location. He said early on that he's often been compared to Brian from Queer as folk. Well if that's true then I would be Michael. I think I do want that ultimate goal one day and love being a couple. Well hopefully this Michael has found his Ben. Minus the HIV positive status of course.

I've never understood this. Seems like a lot of guys stick out their tongue like this when doing an ab pose like this. Why I ask you? Is it just to add some fun to the routine or just because they've seen others do it so they do it too. Meh I may never know unless I get into the circuit.

This is a photo tweeted from Marc Dylan (@Marc_Dylan). I saw it and just had to post it. He's leaning up apparently. Like that boy needs to get any leaner. Then again he does seem to have quite a lot more definition in his arm in this photo. I'd kill for his body. I mean for a body like his. Killing someone just for the promise of getting to play with a body like that is just crazy. It's crazy right?

Oh Adam Russo. So cute. I've had so many interactions with him lately on twitter. If Rocky isn't careful he'll be getting replaced. I don't know what attracts me to him more. His amazing body, his amazing cock, his amazing lust for sex, his very sexy moan, or the fact that all that comes in a very nice and down to earth package. Heck I'd be happy just getting to cuddle next to him. Naked of course. A little rubbing never hurt either.

Bet you can't guess where I got this from. Yeah they sure do like to put their logo on everything. Anyway what got me is look at this guys face. It was kinda the headline for the article about it. He looks so....well put together. Kinda like this male doll look. Kinda distracting. If you cover up the head you can focus on the body which is great. Wonder if it was a problem with airbrushing or he got distracted with something or maybe it wasn't meant to be a final product. I'm sure he's an attractive guy, but this photo sure as hell doesn't show it.
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