I didn't post Saturday because honestly my life had gotten too dramatic. Scott was having issues with his supposed best friend. Yes I'm still talking to him even though he dumped me. My ex did that whole date me or I'm moving out thing. Well it all just got to me and I just didn't do too much on Saturday. Didn't do anything really. Well since then Scott explained that his once best friend was trying to turn his friends against him and was probably going to try to hook up with me to hurt him. The him being Scott. My ex also apologized for his part and said I should be happy that you are still in my life. He said I could draft up the guidelines and he'd sign it. I said no need I'm not going to be dating. And honestly I don't think I am. The thing with Scott has kinda screwed me up. Plus learning that Brock lied to me about even wanting a relationship. If the guy wanted a relationship he would at least try to talk to me from time to time. Well I'm thinking about deleting my squirt. The main reason being that I don't want to hookup right now. I feel just confused and lost. Plus I do have a few guys I can call on if I really do need to get off. Plus I still have feelings for Scott. We are in a weird place. I need to just find out what we are doing. If it's waiting until we both can date each other than I should be able to hook up, but I know if I do then he'll disappear. Wish my life would stop being a soap opera seriously.

Smugness can be such a sexy trait when done just right. This guy has this look like can we just fuck already. That's typically the smugness that comes off sexy. When it's more of a look than verbal. When it starts getting verbalized is when it can turn to vanity or narcissism. A sexy looking guy can give himself props, but not so much that it because all he's about. I'm sure that this guy has more to him than his body or this picture. I'm sure he was asked to posed that way. Least that's what I have set up in my mind.

The blog I got this from (can't remember which one) said that this guy is a porn star. I must say I don't recognize him. Now granted I'm not familiar with every porn star in the world. Just the gay ones in the mainstream mostly. Now if he does do porn I'd like to see it. Assuming that it is gay of course. Sure he loves having his nips played with. And wow does he have great legs.

Leather chest harnesses 9 times out of 10 make a guys chest look amazing. They tend to just bring a lot of focus to the chest. Can't say I've seen too many that didn't look good. I still can't remember this guy's name. Do know that I'd love to tie him down and have my way with him. Pretty sure he'd have no problem with that.

I can appreciate a big dick. I have no interest in being fucked by one, but I do like to see them get worked. The most I'd ever do with a dick like that one there is suck it. It reminds me too much of my first ex's dick. It was big and thick like that one. And no this is not a picture of my ex. Kinda wish it was, but it's not.
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