I swear these are getting annoying. So I was sitting in my love seat this morning edging when I started thinking. I honestly wanted to have sex. The reason why this matters is because I'm usually fine just edging and going about my day, but no I needed to have sex. I wanted to have sex with my boyfriend which is not in the cards. As I've said before sex is not high on my boyfriends list of things to do. And this morning I was just sick of it. This is not how I pictured life with a guy. No I wasn't expecting sex every night, but at least something from time to time. I'm not saying we have to do full blown sex, but how about a blowjob or a handjob while we are sitting together. Something just to let me know he's sexual interested. Now here is where the catch 22 starts coming in. I knew what I was in for with him. He said that he has a small sex drive. It has to do with his past relationship, age, and the fact that the doctor that did his circumcision did a crappy job making his penis not super sensitive. I mean I find myself asking am I happy. I say yes I am, if I could change this one thing about him. Then I say well he's great in so many other ways he just doesn't like to have sex so if you get a fleshlight you'll be good. I mean I'm in my early 20's. Sex is part of my hard-wiring right now. Plus I'm on a test booster which I'm sure is making my sex drive even higher. I mean I'm not going to break up with him over sex. I know there is no perfect guy. We all have flaws, but you don't break up with someone over a minor flaw. Plus he's stressed right now which is killing his sex drive just like during the Winter mine was nothing. I'm just stuck in this thinking. I won't really give it too much thought until I'm off this test booster and things calm down stress wise. Breaking up would be a big move and right now I know it's not the right move. Least not without us having a serious talk.

I don't remember how I got caught up in the Ty Fox web. I truly can not remember the video I watched with him in it that made me remember his name, but I do have a thing for him. I love watching him fuck. He just had this really good build. Now he's a whole lot bigger. More of a pro-bodybuilder look rather than a more amateur look. Well I really need to dig deep and figure out what in the world did I see him in that made me want more.

No guys like this go to my gym which honestly makes me sad. No guy where's a skimpy tank top like this guy. No guy at my gym is built like this guy either. Must say whenever there is eye candy at the gym I feel an even greater need to push the weights and garner his attention. It's that kinda crush mentality where you do outrageous things to get the person to notice you.

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it until it isn't true. This is truly my goal for me when I get middle age. I want to be one of these guys that's in amazing shape. I don't want to be a guy that in his 20's looked good, but now I've gotten so busy and fat that you look at two different people in a picture. It's also why I'm drawn to older guys that look like this. It requires a whole lot more effort to get a body like this than it does when you are in your 20's or to even maintain it. I do plan on being a hot daddy that all the boys want to play with.
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