I saw this on a Tumbler page I was visiting. While reading it I just couldn't help, but think wow this is so true. I mean it's the idea behind a lot of gay themed movies. You see some hot guy with some guy who he clearly doesn't love. Then you see some guy who he gets along great with and now he wants to start a relationship with a new guy. Well this is an idea that has been on my mind a lot. Which is kinda obvious from my past couple of posts. I'm not saying that us gay guys can't be in a monogamous relationship. I've seen guys that have done a very good job of it. It's very obvious that they love each other. I think I'm still in the young stage of my relationship and so much crap has happened lately that I think I'm looking for a way out. There is no other guy for me. For me the love someone you can't have part is more loving someone that could possibly be out there. As I said before all of us have flaws. There is no perfect guy. There is only a guy that meets most of our criteria that makes us happy. The idea of a mr. perfect is what causes all of us to be unhappy. No human is perfect and we can't expect perfection out of our mates. It just doesn't happen. So it's why I'm trying my best to figure all this out, which is throwing me in this loop. I won't ever know the answers until it happens. Guess I have to see how the rest of this year plays out.

In case you didn't know, and I'm sure a lot of you didn't. They have made a remake of the Thundercats. I'm looking very forward to this. I was getting into cartoons just as the Thundercats series was ending, but I did see episodes of it later on. The cartoon was one of it's era. All the heroes and villians were these big muscular dudes (which I of course loved). In fact the first episode of the Thundercats that I saw was the first episode where all of the characters were naked. No joke. Go look it up. My crush was of course on Panthro. He was the oldest, wore the least, and was the strongest. This remake is quite different of course. Sadly there will be no nudity (not that you saw anything anyway), and the Thundercats are wearing a whole lot more. Also their muscularity is a lot different. The storyline is also a whole lot different too. Can't wait to watch the premiere tonight.

As I mentioned before I have a new Aussie chat mate (no this is not him). Well when I mentioned my blog he asked about the pics I posted. I explained to him what I post and he asked if I did any of guys in swimwear. I said of course. Then he asked me if I ever called any of them speedos. I said no. He said good. The reason being is that speedos are actually a brand name. It's not a specific design of men or women's swimwear. I did not know this. He showed me a few examples of speedos and non speedos. The reason this is so near and dear to his heart is that Speedos are an Australian company. So the next time you say a guy is wearing a speedo make sure that it's an actual speedo. It may require you to look for the little logo. Who says my blog can't be educational and fun?

That's kinda the perfect transition. I must say that this man is wearing the skimpiest poser I have ever seen. It basically looks like a leather g-string. I wonder if he was wearing that while he was getting his tan painted on along with the posing gel. It's also a little sad that his package actually fits into so little fabric. I can say I've worn something like that and I kept falling out. Who knows maybe he's just a good tucker (he said hopefully).
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