I was talking to my friend and he mentioned that his boyfriend has stopped taking self portraits on his phone and also stopped exchanging dick picks with guys. When he was doing this it was when they were dating, but not sure how it was going to go. Well that got me thinking. Why do we take pictures of ourselves. Why do we send sexy photos to other people when we are in a relationship. Well one reason is that we are all insecure. It's like flirting. You don't want it to go anywhere, but you just want to know you still have it. Yeah you can have someone that loves and admires you, but eventually you hit this point where you think well of course they say I'm attractive I'm theirs. So we start taking pictures of ourselves and sharing them with strangers just to get validation that we are attractive and if we had to we'd be able to land someone. I fall into this category. There are days when my boyfriend will say how he loves me and I'm his muscleman, but it just doesn't sink in. There is a part of me that says no he's just saying that because he's stuck with you. So I talk to my friend and try to get a bit of validation there and then again that voice says oh he's just saying that because he's your friend. So I find a stranger who will tell me that. I will admit it's not as bad as it once was, but every now and again it creeps in there. I don't take very many photos of myself, but when I do it does make me feel better when I get someone saying something about it like oh you look a lot buffer or great smile. Now I'm not saying that everyone that takes a self portrait or posts pictures for others to comment on thinks this way. It may be similar, but it could also not. It was just a thought I had and wanted to express it.

This is of course Brad Hollibaugh. I will say that clearly those jeans are not tight enough. Brad does have some legs on him, but in those jeans they don't stick out. Anyway I do have a bit of a thing with shirtless guys wearing jeans. I think it again goes back to being from Texas and seeing it a lot of the time on hot days. Must say if I saw Brad like this I'd have a hard time not staring or following him.

Love this picture. Everything in the background is black and white and he's in color. Makes him stick out even more then he already does. Plus I find the shirt cute. Would not mind more guys evolving into him.

I don't know who this bodybuilder is, but I assume it's Rodney St. Cloud just because he does wear stuff like that a lot. Sometimes you see posing routines that are unconventional. Know one guy came out with a batman cape and mask. Others come out as soldiers or warriors. As much as it makes you stick out it does make it harder in some cases to showcase that muscle you've been working hard at.
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