I was having my deep thought in the shower again. I was thinking about why is being gay such a hot button issue lately. I mean with this Marcus Bachman pray the gay away camp. It just got me thinking. Well if people open their eyes they'd see that a lot of these "straight" married guys are out there on sites looking for a guy on the side. Which lead me to the thought of why do so many guys do that. Why do so many guys seem to be these "bi" married guys and it hits me. It's because of society. These guys that are coming out at 40 and 50 grew up in a time when being gay meant you were a sissy. Meant that you were some perv that lurked in the school yards for boys. Well our society is changing. My generation is coming into power and finding our own voice. And it's a voice of acceptance. That's why the polls are showing more and more support for gay marriage. And as more support comes up the opposition starts getting cornered. And we know how cornered animals act. They start thrashing about. That's why I think sadly being gay and coming out and all that stuff is going to get harder before it gets better. More of the cornered animals will lash out actually helping support and eventually it will be kinda like racism. Where like 1 in every 55 people is extremely racist. At the same time I'm just really trying to understand what is with all the opposition. Then it hit me. It's because we are different. Not only that, but we are starting to blend in. What I mean is that you are finding more guys that are gay, but don't act like the stereotype. A lot more of us aren't going out lisping, or talking with our arms, or limp wristing, or worried about fashion, or anything that you see on those shows with gay characters. We are fireman, police officers, athletes, construction workers, and yes officers in the military. This throws some people. They don't like the fact that they can't point and say oh he's gay and he's not. It's easy to marginalize a stereotype, but a lot harder to marginalize average.

Cole Tucker is one of those guys that you would not pick him out of a line up as a gay guy or a guy that fucked or got fucked by another guy. I will say with Cole Tucker I get the feeling that he is truly a sexual animal. Whenever he'd fuck on camera I mean he was an animal. I think if you put something in front of him with a hole he'd fuck it. Man or woman. He has that presence that makes you think he could fuck a couple 3 times each and still probably go for a bit longer. As a result I find him very believable as a truck driver. A guy that's been on the road for so long and is so pent up that he will fuck anything that presents itself. Man or woman.

I like this picture for 2 reasons. 1 I figure that if we could see his face he'd be making a funny one. And 2 great ass and ball pick. Well you can't see his balls, but his posers clearly have that penis pouch. As a result things stick out a bit more. Plus it's just a good pose for the back. Just wish the posers were skimpier in the ass so we could get a good glimpse.

This is a pic of Jim Ferraro in his newest movie. I must say he looks good in leather. As you recall he was the first guy lucky enough to top Samuel Colt on camera. Well in this movie he's fucking bare. And it's a leather scene which he does look good in. Would like to see this movie. Too bad I don't know what it's called.
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