Yesterday I got my ego stroked in two ways. 1 I have a new follower (yay). 2. I got to hang out with an old buddy. I went over to his house and we started talking. He said I clearly have been working out and it's changed my body for the better. The thing is that guy always liked me before when I was skinny. Loved my ass. So the fact that he thinks that I've changed for the better means a lot. We also went to see a movie and I caught a few things that he didn't and he was impressed by that. The thing is he wasn't just saying that to stroke my ego. Hell there is no reason to since I don't live here anymore and since I have a boyfriend. He's a nice guy that has a bad hoarding problem. Once he really gets that under control I think he'd be able to find a guy that likes him for him. It's little things like that, that really push me. Yeah I'm self motivated in the since that I started this blog and keep posting in it, or that I go to the gym almost everyday religiously, but everyone likes someone saying something to them. Back home everyone sees me day in and day out that they don't say anything. My boyfriend says stuff, but well he's my boyfriend so it doesn't really count. As for my blog I occasionally get a comment or a question on my formspring, but when I get a follower that means there is something on here that they keep coming back to.

As I've said before there are several reasons why I don't want to be a bodybuilder. This is one of them. The popping out of my posers. For this guy it's peaking out of the top. Well for me it would be on the side and a lot more visible. Now it's true that nerves should keep my boner at bay, but tight stuff does sometimes wake the sleeping giant.

I just like this photo. Something about this guy just standing there staring off into space. It gives a relaxed look, but his body still looks pumped and ready for action. Don't think he's ready for a shower since he has that watch on, but does look like he's waiting for something.

I think jockstraps make most guys look hotter. Something about being covered in the front, but perfectly exposed int he back. I just think it does a great job of shaping the ass and the front gives you a kinda tease. I think bodybuilding competitions should use jockstraps instead. Would do a better job of showing all the work the guys do on their ass. Plus it would really let us see what they're working with.
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