So I was kinda down in the dumps (obviously) the other day. The reason being is that one of my chat buddies is in another state visiting friends so I haven't chatted with him in awhile. My other friend is so busy trying to get a job and be happy with his boyfriend and get tons of house stuff done while house training a dog that he's far too busy to talk to me. So I've felt kinda alone. I'm an extrovert (yes me a blogger). I'm happiest talking and being with people. When I don't have anyone to chat to I just feel so blah. Well the other day I got a message on the social site I'm on from the new admin. Well we talked and he showed me how to post images for my video posts and we got talking. He's a really nice guy. And here is the killer. He's an Aussie. That's right he is a sexy Australian bloke. Well we got talking and started exchanging e-mails. I must say it's good to talk to someone again. One reason why I love talking to guys on the web is because I don't have many gay guys around to talk to. The only guy that seemed interested blew me off. Pretty sure I'm never going to hear from him again. So it's nice to be able to be gay with someone even if it is over the web. It's kinda like how when you were a kid you hung out with kids that shared a similar interest. Yes you did talk about other things, but it was nice to be able to talk to them about football, baseball, dungeons and dragons, sex, porn, etc. It's just nice to do. That's how it is for me. I just have my boyfriend to talk to about gay things and that's lonely for me. I use to be in a city where we had quite a few gay guys that I could hang out with and it was nice. Anyway the other awesome thing about this hot Aussie is that he did something that no one else has ever done. He sent me some pics of him. After talking for a bit I mentioned I had a blog. Not once did he say oh btw don't share those pictures. You see when you have a blog and a guy shares pictures with you they tend to fear that you might put them on the web. So awhile later I mentioned hey don't worry I won't share your photos on my blog. He said Oh I know. I wouldn't have shared them with you if I thought you were just going to spread them around. That is a big deal for me. Even when guys tell me that I can't share their photos I understand, but a part of me says I'm not an idiot. I know these are private. The photos I post are photos I've found on the web, other blogs, or my yahoo group where a guy is sharing them with everyone. If you send me something I'm going to assume it's private unless you say otherwise. So he's aces in my book.

I've played and managed baseball for 4 years. I have seen guys patting others on the ass, but never grabbing their crotch. Ok scratch that. They have done cup check before. The thing is that they've never done it during a game, on the field, for all to see. Plus I can't make out the guys facial expression. The guy being grabbed looks like he has a "not now" look on his face while the other has this "this is mine" look. Least that's what it looks like to me.

I always laugh whenever I see a guy where posers or something skimpy that's brightly colored. The reason I laugh is because the bright color draws your attention to their crotches. I mean right now tell me you aren't staring at the bright pink posers. I always wonder if on stage if that is on purpose. Like it's the bodybuilders way of saying there is nothing tiny about my dick.

I like this amateur photo. Kinda looks like he was posing for his boyfriend (or girlfriend eww). I find him very cute. I love bald guys. He has this adorable smile. A nip ring, tatts, and his cock bends in a unique way. I could use that to my advantage while sucking him. I like seeing photos like this because they aren't retouched. They don't give you this false sense of perfection. This is what the guy really looked like when the photo was taken and that's nice. Makes him more human a.k.a. more attractive.
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