The first video is with Diego Santos, Pedro Andreas, and Bruno Borda. If I recall right it's a video from alphamalemedia. I think it's from their movie Latin Heat. Well either way it's a threesome video. Diego is the lucky one that is the pig bottom in this situation. Does seem to be what he's good at. Next up is Titpig and another daddy fucking a boy. This is an early TIM video. When I use to like what they did. One of the big things about this scene is that it's bareback and there is double penetration. The funny thing is that Titpig wears his PA for about half the video, put pulls it out when it comes time for the DP. Third up is a solo with Rogerio. Awhile back I posted a video with him and a guy named Santiago. I bring that up because if you didn't see that then you might be in for a bit of a shock. Rogerio can shoot. A lot. It's like when he shoots he shoots out some pre-cum then he finally cums and it's all over him. Next up is Pedro Andreas and Daniel Marvin. This one is a Kristen Bjorn video. You can tell from the multiple cumshots. This one is for all of you that are fans of scenes with those two together. Don't let the picture on this next clip fool you. It is a gay clip. That's the "secretary". This clip is from back in the day when women did make cameos in gay porn. Anyway Chad Johnson gives a an interview. And by interview I mean his huge dick in the possible employee's ass. Least in one guys mind anyway. Lastly we have a couple. Again there is a bit of an interview at the beginning, but they do finally get to it. This one is more oral and foreplay based. They don't fuck for too long. It's not a bad thing in my mind, but I know some of you like to see the big fuck.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
So many dreams
So I'm thinking I'd seriously like to try my hand at an erotic story. I'd also like to think about possibly making some bara, but there are a few problems with that. 1. I can't draw. 2. I can't read my own writing. What I mean is that I don't proof read my blog (which is kinda obvious sometimes). I just have this major problem with editing myself. It's one of my hang ups. Another thing I've wanted to do was something porn related. I don't think I could ever be in front of the camera, but do behind the scenes stuff. Be a screenwriter or director. Maybe set up scenes or something. I guess it's a bit of my youthful enthusiasm that hasn't been stomped out of me by the real world. I'd just really like a job where I could be myself all the time. Obviously on a gay porn set I don't have to hide the fact that I'm gay. Plus I'd get to be creative which I do love to do. This of course is coming out of the fact that I'm not so sure if I'll have a job by the end of the next month. Just would love to stumble into my dream job. Well I'm still young so there is still a chance of that.
So turns out that my porn BF Rocky LaBarre (don't worry he called me his blog bf in a tweet) was voted the DILF poster man winner. All the details are on the Happy Town blog. There is also another interview of him there. Well I must say I really must get a job that let's me travel or get enough money to visit, or move to New York. As I've said before I'd like to at least meet him. I know he's a hoot. His client that saw the post I did awhile back said so. Plus I got that feeling when he e-mailed me back after I thanked him for his comment. Plus I do want to squeeze such an adorable daddy bear.
This daddy is Rocky West. Yes I did purposely post his pic after the Rocky LaBarre one. Sadly this photo has been altered. As you can kinda tell from his dick. I don't know why the person that modified it insisted on messing with his dick. He has a pretty nice one as it is. He only did two films, but in both he was a top bear daddy. I have a few older gay friends and most of them have become quite jaded. They think that they aren't attractive now that they aren't a 20 year old twink. Rocky West isn't a 20 year old twink either, but he's still sexy. The reason is that he's being himself and not trying to impress anyone. I love that in a guy. This very butch I am who I am and if you don't like it I'm not changing to suit you.
Yep that's me. Well in spirit. As I've said before I couldn't apply a guy's bronzer or tan or oil. I'd be doing it with a boner and that isn't too kosher in that setting. Plus you are touching all parts of the guy. On the flip side if it looks terrible then who gets blamed. And pretty sure they wouldn't punish you in the fun way.

Friday, July 29, 2011
The first video is one that I find hard to believe. It features Eric Evans as a married man confused about gay life. So his friend agrees to show him how. I find it hard to believe because Eric Evans has always struck me as a proud gay man (based on some interviews of his I read). That's why I can't believe him as a straight married man, but that being said it is a hot scene. I can never remember the name of his partner in this scene, but it's good chemistry. Next is Michael Brandon doing what he does best. Showing off his huge dick and fucking a helpless bottom with said dick. This one is for all you size queens out there. Third up is Doug Jeffries and Bruce Hill. I love this scene because I love both the guys in this scene. They are both DILFs. Flat out. They are hot muscle daddies that just know how to fuck. I'd love to be in the middle of the scene. The next scene is one I don't understand. Mainly because I don't speak Spanish. All I can say is who doesn't enjoy a good fuck after waking up? Fifth up is Brenno. It's your typical solo scene. A guy that's easy on the eyes that plays with himself until he explodes all over himself on camera. Lastly is Carlos Morales and Chris Blanc. There is a short transition scene on this clip, but once you get past it the action begins. It starts off pretty mundane, but it gets slightly kinkier towards the end. Yeah there is attempted (can't tell because of the angle) double penetration with a dildo. Yeah there you go.
Thinking...and thinking

Thursday, July 28, 2011
The first video is a sort of teaser from Maskurbate. In it our model fucks a fleshlight. The big thing they like to show off is that he's so aroused that he's able to keep it up right without touching it. Now the next couple of five videos and some tomorrow will be from redtube. Turns out that there are some pretty decent videos on there. I will warn you that they do take longer to load. The first video is a houseboy getting fucked by the handyman. It starts off very cheesy with the line "you're all turned on". I will say the sex does make up for the lame start. Third up are two hung jurors. Sorry I couldn't help, but say that. Anyway two jurors are back in the hotel room talking and talking of course leads to sex. It was hard for me to choose a favorite out of the two. Personally I love the idea of fucking a big muscle stud. Next up are Catholic "school boys" fucking in the locker room. Sadly this fantasy bubble is popped the second you see a guy with a PA. Anyway it all starts with a confession where the poor innocent boy is asking for forgiveness. He then tells the priest how he ended up getting his ass fucked and liking it. It always starts with a bet doesn't it? Then we have some navy guys fucking. I love this clip because I find both men hot. They both have this nice buff look and are hairy in all the right places. Plus there is a bit of creative fucking. If only I could have been a fly in the room. Last up is Patrick Ives and his dog. Don't worry it's just a guy in a studded collar that he calls his dog. Please I would not show it if it was a real dog. Anyway I've always wondered about this. I kinda wish I had a boyfriend that was more adventurous. You know that would role play that I was his dog or he was mine. Maybe one day.
Do you gag sucking huge cocks, or just keep slurping till they fill your mouth right up?
Finally a fun question. Depends on how big we are talking. I try not to gag since well it ruins the mood, but generally I'll keep going and just angle my mouth to take it all in. I view big cocks as a challenge to suck.
Feeling good
So I was kinda down in the dumps (obviously) the other day. The reason being is that one of my chat buddies is in another state visiting friends so I haven't chatted with him in awhile. My other friend is so busy trying to get a job and be happy with his boyfriend and get tons of house stuff done while house training a dog that he's far too busy to talk to me. So I've felt kinda alone. I'm an extrovert (yes me a blogger). I'm happiest talking and being with people. When I don't have anyone to chat to I just feel so blah. Well the other day I got a message on the social site I'm on from the new admin. Well we talked and he showed me how to post images for my video posts and we got talking. He's a really nice guy. And here is the killer. He's an Aussie. That's right he is a sexy Australian bloke. Well we got talking and started exchanging e-mails. I must say it's good to talk to someone again. One reason why I love talking to guys on the web is because I don't have many gay guys around to talk to. The only guy that seemed interested blew me off. Pretty sure I'm never going to hear from him again. So it's nice to be able to be gay with someone even if it is over the web. It's kinda like how when you were a kid you hung out with kids that shared a similar interest. Yes you did talk about other things, but it was nice to be able to talk to them about football, baseball, dungeons and dragons, sex, porn, etc. It's just nice to do. That's how it is for me. I just have my boyfriend to talk to about gay things and that's lonely for me. I use to be in a city where we had quite a few gay guys that I could hang out with and it was nice. Anyway the other awesome thing about this hot Aussie is that he did something that no one else has ever done. He sent me some pics of him. After talking for a bit I mentioned I had a blog. Not once did he say oh btw don't share those pictures. You see when you have a blog and a guy shares pictures with you they tend to fear that you might put them on the web. So awhile later I mentioned hey don't worry I won't share your photos on my blog. He said Oh I know. I wouldn't have shared them with you if I thought you were just going to spread them around. That is a big deal for me. Even when guys tell me that I can't share their photos I understand, but a part of me says I'm not an idiot. I know these are private. The photos I post are photos I've found on the web, other blogs, or my yahoo group where a guy is sharing them with everyone. If you send me something I'm going to assume it's private unless you say otherwise. So he's aces in my book.
I've played and managed baseball for 4 years. I have seen guys patting others on the ass, but never grabbing their crotch. Ok scratch that. They have done cup check before. The thing is that they've never done it during a game, on the field, for all to see. Plus I can't make out the guys facial expression. The guy being grabbed looks like he has a "not now" look on his face while the other has this "this is mine" look. Least that's what it looks like to me.
I always laugh whenever I see a guy where posers or something skimpy that's brightly colored. The reason I laugh is because the bright color draws your attention to their crotches. I mean right now tell me you aren't staring at the bright pink posers. I always wonder if on stage if that is on purpose. Like it's the bodybuilders way of saying there is nothing tiny about my dick.
I like this amateur photo. Kinda looks like he was posing for his boyfriend (or girlfriend eww). I find him very cute. I love bald guys. He has this adorable smile. A nip ring, tatts, and his cock bends in a unique way. I could use that to my advantage while sucking him. I like seeing photos like this because they aren't retouched. They don't give you this false sense of perfection. This is what the guy really looked like when the photo was taken and that's nice. Makes him more human a.k.a. more attractive.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
First up is a vintage gloryhole. It's from the movie Dangerous. This is one of the final scenes. As a guy that loves to suck dick I've always wanted to be in a scene like this, but they are a bit harder to find nowadays plus I don't trust guys on the other side. You never know who you are dealing with, which again is one of the fun things about it. Next up is Harry Louis, Drew Brody, and Harley Everett in Golden Boy. I'm not a Harry Louis fan, but I am a fan of Drew and Harley. Both of which do pound Harry good. And I'm pretty sure Harley cums twice. Which is pretty hot. The next two vids are part of a series. Both are from Dangerous as well. Scene 1 and 2. The first one is again the gloryhole theme. Well one of the guys gets caught by police. Well his boyfriend picks him up and that leads to of course a fun conversation. Well in the next scene the guy that was caught makes it up to his boyfriend. Must say if I had that at home I wouldn't need to go find a gloryhole. Fifth up is a threesome in the forest. It starts off with two rangers talking about another one. Well that ranger comes across two guys having car trouble. Well you know where that goes. Just a note I'd so do Billy. My last video of course was deleted. Well it happens.
Think I'm getting it
I was having my deep thought in the shower again. I was thinking about why is being gay such a hot button issue lately. I mean with this Marcus Bachman pray the gay away camp. It just got me thinking. Well if people open their eyes they'd see that a lot of these "straight" married guys are out there on sites looking for a guy on the side. Which lead me to the thought of why do so many guys do that. Why do so many guys seem to be these "bi" married guys and it hits me. It's because of society. These guys that are coming out at 40 and 50 grew up in a time when being gay meant you were a sissy. Meant that you were some perv that lurked in the school yards for boys. Well our society is changing. My generation is coming into power and finding our own voice. And it's a voice of acceptance. That's why the polls are showing more and more support for gay marriage. And as more support comes up the opposition starts getting cornered. And we know how cornered animals act. They start thrashing about. That's why I think sadly being gay and coming out and all that stuff is going to get harder before it gets better. More of the cornered animals will lash out actually helping support and eventually it will be kinda like racism. Where like 1 in every 55 people is extremely racist. At the same time I'm just really trying to understand what is with all the opposition. Then it hit me. It's because we are different. Not only that, but we are starting to blend in. What I mean is that you are finding more guys that are gay, but don't act like the stereotype. A lot more of us aren't going out lisping, or talking with our arms, or limp wristing, or worried about fashion, or anything that you see on those shows with gay characters. We are fireman, police officers, athletes, construction workers, and yes officers in the military. This throws some people. They don't like the fact that they can't point and say oh he's gay and he's not. It's easy to marginalize a stereotype, but a lot harder to marginalize average.
Cole Tucker is one of those guys that you would not pick him out of a line up as a gay guy or a guy that fucked or got fucked by another guy. I will say with Cole Tucker I get the feeling that he is truly a sexual animal. Whenever he'd fuck on camera I mean he was an animal. I think if you put something in front of him with a hole he'd fuck it. Man or woman. He has that presence that makes you think he could fuck a couple 3 times each and still probably go for a bit longer. As a result I find him very believable as a truck driver. A guy that's been on the road for so long and is so pent up that he will fuck anything that presents itself. Man or woman.
I like this picture for 2 reasons. 1 I figure that if we could see his face he'd be making a funny one. And 2 great ass and ball pick. Well you can't see his balls, but his posers clearly have that penis pouch. As a result things stick out a bit more. Plus it's just a good pose for the back. Just wish the posers were skimpier in the ass so we could get a good glimpse.
This is a pic of Jim Ferraro in his newest movie. I must say he looks good in leather. As you recall he was the first guy lucky enough to top Samuel Colt on camera. Well in this movie he's fucking bare. And it's a leather scene which he does look good in. Would like to see this movie. Too bad I don't know what it's called.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The first video is a vintage gloryhole clip. The kind that was pre-condom and was more music than anything. I just enjoy watching clips from a different era. Next up is a guy fucking the housekeeper. If you have a housekeeper that "cleans" in only a jockstrap you know it's what he wants. Personally I'd like to see the guy that wasn't cleaning in a jock. Next up is Jake Mitchell and Dillon Press. This was the final scene in Trucker Bears or Bear Truckers or something with a title like that. Jake's character was fired early on, but he followed Dillon (the boss) around and didn't seem to get that he was fired. Well I think we know why he was hanging around for so long. Then a daddy jacks off. It's a short clip. I posted it because the guy is in decent shape, shoots a decent load, and of course plays with his nips. Also a pretty vocal moaner. I just had to post it. Fifth up is a guy jacking off with a fleshlight. Of course he doesn't show his face. Then again when it comes to guys that use fleshlights as long as I get to see that ass move like he's fucking I couldn't care less about a face shot. He also shoots a pretty damn good load. Then again it's hard not to when you use one of those. Lastly is a clip that has 2 scenes really going on. You see the first two guys then it cuts to a scene with 3 other guys.Basically what happens is you get 2 duos going and a solo as well. It does jump back and forth sadly, but I'm sure one of the scenes will interest you.
In yet another paradox
I swear these are getting annoying. So I was sitting in my love seat this morning edging when I started thinking. I honestly wanted to have sex. The reason why this matters is because I'm usually fine just edging and going about my day, but no I needed to have sex. I wanted to have sex with my boyfriend which is not in the cards. As I've said before sex is not high on my boyfriends list of things to do. And this morning I was just sick of it. This is not how I pictured life with a guy. No I wasn't expecting sex every night, but at least something from time to time. I'm not saying we have to do full blown sex, but how about a blowjob or a handjob while we are sitting together. Something just to let me know he's sexual interested. Now here is where the catch 22 starts coming in. I knew what I was in for with him. He said that he has a small sex drive. It has to do with his past relationship, age, and the fact that the doctor that did his circumcision did a crappy job making his penis not super sensitive. I mean I find myself asking am I happy. I say yes I am, if I could change this one thing about him. Then I say well he's great in so many other ways he just doesn't like to have sex so if you get a fleshlight you'll be good. I mean I'm in my early 20's. Sex is part of my hard-wiring right now. Plus I'm on a test booster which I'm sure is making my sex drive even higher. I mean I'm not going to break up with him over sex. I know there is no perfect guy. We all have flaws, but you don't break up with someone over a minor flaw. Plus he's stressed right now which is killing his sex drive just like during the Winter mine was nothing. I'm just stuck in this thinking. I won't really give it too much thought until I'm off this test booster and things calm down stress wise. Breaking up would be a big move and right now I know it's not the right move. Least not without us having a serious talk.
I don't remember how I got caught up in the Ty Fox web. I truly can not remember the video I watched with him in it that made me remember his name, but I do have a thing for him. I love watching him fuck. He just had this really good build. Now he's a whole lot bigger. More of a pro-bodybuilder look rather than a more amateur look. Well I really need to dig deep and figure out what in the world did I see him in that made me want more.
No guys like this go to my gym which honestly makes me sad. No guy where's a skimpy tank top like this guy. No guy at my gym is built like this guy either. Must say whenever there is eye candy at the gym I feel an even greater need to push the weights and garner his attention. It's that kinda crush mentality where you do outrageous things to get the person to notice you.
I've said it before and I'll keep saying it until it isn't true. This is truly my goal for me when I get middle age. I want to be one of these guys that's in amazing shape. I don't want to be a guy that in his 20's looked good, but now I've gotten so busy and fat that you look at two different people in a picture. It's also why I'm drawn to older guys that look like this. It requires a whole lot more effort to get a body like this than it does when you are in your 20's or to even maintain it. I do plan on being a hot daddy that all the boys want to play with.

Monday, July 25, 2011
The first video is the full movie Hotel Italia. I will say that I really wanted to watch this video, but it turned out to be a real let down. There isn't as much sex as I would have liked. There were tons of lulls and there were parts where you thought something was going to happen and it didn't. There were good scenes, but well I would have preferred to see the scenes then sit through the whole movie. Next up is Nicolas Taxman in a foursome. The funny thing is that these guys seem to have sex in all the parts of the house. The big major scene is all of them in the shower. Yep to be a part of that group. Next up is Junior Baiano short. This is basically a short version of the whole thing. Which is nice because you kinda get right down to it. Fourth up is a vintage clip with Kevin Williams. As you can imagine it is a pre-condom flick. Least back then it was more about the sex then the plot of the movie or even decent acting. These next two clips are some amateur footage. I find it nice because there isn't so much stop and start so that they really can get into the moment. The first one the guy doesn't want to have his face shown, but he knows how to fuck daddy. It is also a bit poor lighting, but again it is amateur. Lastly is one that's better lit. It's also edited a bit more in that it goes from scene to scene pretty quickly. Will say the guy was pretty happy afterwards.
Full Movie,
Kevin Williams,
And back to so so
So last week I mentioned that Rocky LaBarre commented on this blog and that even though I was sure it was him I still had this nagging part of my brain. Well the nag is gone since 1. he e-mailed back (yay) and 2. I checked my blog stats and he actually tweeted about the blog post. Yeah any doubt has been erased. Now as for the thing I was going to mention. Yeah turns out yeah that's probably not going to happen. Thought I possibly found a friend, but seems like he's doing any and everything in his power to avoid me so yeah that's great. The other "great" news is that the business I work for is doing oh so great and my boss is in such a "great" mood. Something tells me I might be leaving this town a lot sooner than I played boyfriend or not. Just so much crap is going down and it's just draining. It's for sure going to be one of those weeks.
Chris Duffy is a guy I wish made more porn. I forgot the alias he use to use, but I just couldn't find much stuff with him. I know the most recent thing he did was a Jimmy Z muscle show. Do wish I could get my hands on that. There he had tons of tats, but he still kinda looked like he does here. Just a few more gray hairs here and there. I'm always amazed at how some guys can stay in such amazing shape as they get older. Of course I don't ever get them coming into the store. I get all the has beens.
This of course is a Tom of Finland sketch. I picked it because it kinda has something for everyone. Has ass, dick, boot licking, rimming, suits, and nipple sucking. It's one of things you'll rarely see that has an aspect that can appeal to everyone. I mean even guys that have a little thing for doing it in the office and getting caught can appreciate this one. Wish porn could give you a shot like this.
This is a shot from when Gage Weston and Luke Garrett where still a couple doing porn together. I will say they did seem like the perfect odd couple. Luke was this bodybuilder type, while Gage had a more toned and lean look. On top of that usually Gage was the one topping. It worked for awhile. I still wonder what broke them up.

Saturday, July 23, 2011
First up as some Brazilian soldiers in the shower. I don't know what it is about military guys that does it for me. I think it's that whole only the butches of the butch make it in the army type mentality. Anyway all three have some fun. Next up is Castro in another episode of it's gonna hurt. Don't know who the other guy is. This for me was just painful to watch. Again Castro gives this aura of a straight guy that really is not into what he's doing. Not only that, but he seems so into himself that he doesn't hear what the camera guy asks him or when he says hey give the guy a break, but if you like guys with big cocks fucking other guys then doesn't matter what I say. Third up is Andrew Justice and his co-workers. I didn't know that Andrew had done anything recently. I mean this movie is like a year or 2 old, but I thought he retired 4 years ago. Anyway it's another good scene from Titan. Then it's Fed XXX. I can't remember which Raging Stallion video this came from, but I always enjoyed it. Ups and Fed Ex guys are a bit of a fetish of mine. I think it's the shorts or the fact that you do put on quite a bit of muscle lifting all those heavy packages. Yes I did mean both meanings of the words. Lastly (my final clip was deleted) is Zak Spears and Kyle Kennedy. This was the scene that first introduced me to Zak Spears. I love his deep sexy voice and hairy muscular body. It's the first scene from The Journey Back which is a movie about Zak Spears returning to the business.
Andrew Justice,
Kyle Kennedy,
Zack Spears
I'm all giddy
So I was checking my blog this morning like I always do and I got quite a shock. I got 2 new comments. Well whenever I get comments I get happy because it means people actually read my blog and don't just watch the videos. Or if they do watch the videos they feel the need to thank me. Well both were from the same person. Yes I am keeping you in suspense because I find it fun. Ok now the big reveal Rocky LaBarre. Yeah I screamed like a school girl when I saw that which was weird since I'm at work. Apparently one of his clients sent him the link to my blog post about him. Now normally I'm more cynical then this. Just because it is the internet and a lot of people from all around the world see my blog, but I just can't help but think it's the real deal. I will continue to do that until my bubble gets burst. It was all about the way he wrote his comments that make me think that it's the real Rocky causing me to again scream like a little school girl. As I've said before I'm not exactly in the gay friendliest town. So to be able to talk to someone who is in the gay porn industry is pretty cool. Not to mention I always wonder about the man behind the camera and well this is my chance. I find it totally awesome. Must say it put me in a pretty good mood. I'm also in a good mood for another reason, but I'll mention that on Monday. Oh and I did post a new poll. I'm kinda curious as to what a lot of my readers like in a guy. I know what I like, but it's always nice to know what you guys like. Helps me to post pictures and videos. I will say that it's still early, but it's not turning out the way I kinda guessed it to. See the results to see what I mean. I will say I expected 1 of the lower ones to be up there and one of the higher ones to be a bit lower. Once the poll is over I'll say how I thought the poll would go.
As I've said before Cayden Ross interests me. I mean he has a great body and he has a pretty hot dick. He knows how to give as well as receive. I can't help, but compare him to Chris Rockway in how popular he has become. I think he will go further and longer then Chris did for the simple fact that Cayden can get fucked. That opens up a lot more of possibilities of guys to work with. Which will keep him on top (yes I did mean that pun) longer.
I find this guy perfectly thick. Especially around the legs. For me strong legs means a good fuck. Wither the guy is the bottom or the top having strong legs means you can have more fun. That's not to take away from his thick top as well. He's another I think has the right symmetry going on. The scruffy look also looks good on him. Just pulls it all together for me.
Speaking of my poll for all you ass and back lovers you will love this photo. The guy has a very defined back. I sadly don't know who he is. I want to say it's Officer X, but I'm probably wrong. I mean look at the ass compared to the guys hands. That is a major ass.

Friday, July 22, 2011
I guess unsurprisingly my 1st video got deleted. It was one from Manavenue. Well the new 1st video is of Aj Irons and Castro. If you recall Castro is the guy with the super huge dick that shoots a lot. Well this is him at work at it's gonna hurt. It's not my cup of tea seeing as I'm not a fan of super huge and thick dicks and the fact that Castro is (spoiler alert) a guy that clearly is not into what he's doing. Just doing it for the pay check. Not gay in the least and if he is he sure as hell doesn't show it. The next video is another episode from the Cocktail series. This time we hook up online and go out into a clearing. This one isn't my favorite because it's kinda a blow and go. As soon as one guy is done he leaves. Total of three guys. Now this third clip actually surprised me. I do like amateur stuff, but I don't like stuff in public. I was more drawn to wanting to see the guy in green take his clothes off. Has a pretty big looking body. Didn't last long getting a blowjob, but then again in public you aren't out to make it last. Next up is Adam Killian in a scene within a scene. Yeah it's the 1st scene of a movie where a guy is in a backroom looking for some fun. Finds a tv on and starts jacking off to the scene that is playing. Once Adam shows up he steals the spotlight like usual. Hard to believe he was actually a camera guy until he got a chance to be in front of it. Guess that camera experience helped him to be more aware of his body and get better shots. Last up is a Handjob from behind. I love being jacked off like this. Feeling your guy behind you as he jacks you off. Feel his dick rubbing up against you. Really gets me going. Plus this guy loves to give this look to the camera that says yeah I know you are getting off on this. You wish this was you right here don't you.
No reason to be, but I am
Yesterday me and my boyfriend were sitting in our love seat and he's playing with my nipples. I said I'd let him since he didn't get to for a whole week with me being gone. Well that got to the point where he said I know you hate me playing with them because it gets you stimulated. Well there's no reason to be embarrassed about an erection. Well here's the thing. I am embarrassed. It has nothing to do with the fact that I have a boner like back when you are in high school in class. No this is for a different reason. My boyfriend is not the horniest guy in the world. I call him a perv, but he really isn't. He isn't very sex driven. Well for me it feels like I'm slapping him in the face (and not the fun way) every time I get a boner. The other day he mentioned that I left a stain on the bed. Asked me if I had a wet dream. Well all that embarrasses me because I feel bad that it makes it seem like I'm a highly sexual person. I mean I am, but I don't like to rub my boyfriend's face in it. You see we don't have spontaneous sex. I don't ever expect him to dick in my pants and give me a handjob. He needs a bit of stimulation to make sure the blood flows in the right places. It's why he allowed me to play with other guys if I just really need to get off and he wasn't putting out. It's also why he doesn't really ask me how often I jack off because I'm sure he knows the answer. I'm not with him for sex alone. I'm with him because I'm happy with him and emotionally fulfilled. Don't want him to think otherwise and my constant boners don't help that.
I've posted pictures of Alexey Leskuov before. unless I'm misspelling it again. Anyway this picture comes at a major blow to my ego. 1. the guy is 5' 6". That is what my body could look like if I got serious about my diet and supplements and hit the gym super hard. Now the final blow. He's only like 5 months older than me. I thought he was younger (not that it really helps either way). So yeah that could be me if I got into bodybuilding at an early age. Maybe I'll just get lucky enough to play with him one of these days. Probably the closest I'll get to looking like that.
Saw this picture on Happy Town and just had to post it. On there it's a bit bigger and required me to scroll down. Well if you cut him off at the waist you swear that's cum all over him. No it's just his Str8cam Lube. It was designed to look like his cum. I've wanted to try it just because it would look like Str8 Jeff shot all over my dick. Yeah I'm a bit of a perv.
I'd love to adjust this guys package. I mean this guy physically does it for me. He's got just the right amount of hair. He has a nipple ring which I find hot. And he's got a pretty nice body. Even has facial hair. Still trying to figure out if the picture behind him is an actual photograph or a painting and if it's of him. If it is then he's hot all over.

Thursday, July 21, 2011
The first video is a vintage video with Brad Stone and Corey Stevens. As I said before I have a thing for cowboys and I think these guys play the part well in they do have decent bodies. A lot of the times you see these "cowboys" that have a lot of muscle on which you wouldn't have seen on real cowboys. They'd have toned bodies like these guys. Next up is Ben Archer. Don't know the name of the movie this clip comes from. It starts off with Ben and a twink then a third guy shows up. Ben finishes himself off and then leaves the two to finish each other off. I kinda lose interest when Ben leaves. Yeah I find him very hot. The third clip is from the movie Muscle Resort. Don't know which one (there are at least 3). Basically the movie just features muscular guys fucking. Then again do you really need anymore? Then it's Sensual Training with Zeb Atlas. This one came out shortly after Zeb started letting guys suck him off. As you can see here he even gets rimmed. Plus he's hairy making him even sexier. I truly like the more open Zeb. Now if we can just get him to be fucked by a guy we'd be good. Last up (the final video got deleted) is Rafeal Alencar fucking. Basically doing what his dick was made to do. The funny thing is I'm not really a fan of his, but I still don't pass up an opportunity to post a video from him. Go figure.
Ben Archer,
Rafael Alencar,
Zeb Atlas
Another thought
I was talking to my friend and he mentioned that his boyfriend has stopped taking self portraits on his phone and also stopped exchanging dick picks with guys. When he was doing this it was when they were dating, but not sure how it was going to go. Well that got me thinking. Why do we take pictures of ourselves. Why do we send sexy photos to other people when we are in a relationship. Well one reason is that we are all insecure. It's like flirting. You don't want it to go anywhere, but you just want to know you still have it. Yeah you can have someone that loves and admires you, but eventually you hit this point where you think well of course they say I'm attractive I'm theirs. So we start taking pictures of ourselves and sharing them with strangers just to get validation that we are attractive and if we had to we'd be able to land someone. I fall into this category. There are days when my boyfriend will say how he loves me and I'm his muscleman, but it just doesn't sink in. There is a part of me that says no he's just saying that because he's stuck with you. So I talk to my friend and try to get a bit of validation there and then again that voice says oh he's just saying that because he's your friend. So I find a stranger who will tell me that. I will admit it's not as bad as it once was, but every now and again it creeps in there. I don't take very many photos of myself, but when I do it does make me feel better when I get someone saying something about it like oh you look a lot buffer or great smile. Now I'm not saying that everyone that takes a self portrait or posts pictures for others to comment on thinks this way. It may be similar, but it could also not. It was just a thought I had and wanted to express it.
This is of course Brad Hollibaugh. I will say that clearly those jeans are not tight enough. Brad does have some legs on him, but in those jeans they don't stick out. Anyway I do have a bit of a thing with shirtless guys wearing jeans. I think it again goes back to being from Texas and seeing it a lot of the time on hot days. Must say if I saw Brad like this I'd have a hard time not staring or following him.
Love this picture. Everything in the background is black and white and he's in color. Makes him stick out even more then he already does. Plus I find the shirt cute. Would not mind more guys evolving into him.
I don't know who this bodybuilder is, but I assume it's Rodney St. Cloud just because he does wear stuff like that a lot. Sometimes you see posing routines that are unconventional. Know one guy came out with a batman cape and mask. Others come out as soldiers or warriors. As much as it makes you stick out it does make it harder in some cases to showcase that muscle you've been working hard at.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The first video has Hans Ebson getting fucked. Then again how is that different from any movie he's ever been in really. Least this time he's not this twink who's in the wrong place at the wrong time. This time he's a bad boy sucking a guy's dick through a gloryhole. Next is a daddy daydreaming. This one isn't too long of a clip, but still good. Basically a guy is thinking about another guy and having some fun. Third up is one of my favorites for today. It features Ross Hurston as a boxing coach. And he's training a major hunk. Well the water break becomes a suck dick break then a fuck break. Must say if I was in either guys shoes I'd do the same. It's a very hot clip and my Ross Hurston crush has kinda vanished, but he really does it to me in this clip. Next up is three guys barebacking in the bathroom. It starts off as a duo then quickly becomes a threesome. All the guys are pretty good in this clip which got me to watch it. I will say it is easy to miss a cumshot if you are just skimming through this. I do think it's worth the time. My fifth clip got deleted (shocked that it was that one) so the last one is a clip of Sonny Markham and Buck Phillips. Just fyi both guys cum twice. They are under a waterfall so they stay wet pretty much most of the clip which makes their bodies look oh so much better.
I know my guy
I'm sure quite a lot of you in a relationship for awhile kinda know your guy. You know some of his signs that he's upset or thinking or what not. Well me and my boyfriend were talking and he said "I've been thinking". To most that's a pretty harmless statement, but with my boyfriend it means he wants to do something that I'm not going to enjoy and I was right. He wants to switch the rooms around. We didn't do that yesterday, but will probably do it Sunday. It's just funny when you've been with someone long enough to read between their lines and notice the things they do or say. It's why I enjoy being in a relationship. So much more fun then hooking up in my opinion. I know what my guy likes and we don't have awkward pillow talk or have to worry about getting dressed quick and heading home.
Rocky LaBarre is officially my porn boyfriend. I recently updated the places I roam with a blog called Happy Town. I suggest you go there and read the interview that they have with Rocky LaBarre. The thing about Rocky is that he is truly my definition of a Teddy Bear. He's this guy that is very butch, but he is so adorable. I just want to hold him and never let go or have him hold me and never let go. The guy that is his boyfriend is so lucky. Rocky is truly a catch. He's not so into himself that you can't talk to him and not so perfect that you feel small. He has this smile that lights up a room and makes you want to smile. He admits he's way too hard on himself and needs his boyfriend to pull him back. That's a man that I could easily fall for if he was single and I was single and we met up. I'd love to have Rocky as just a friend because it feels like he'd just be a hoot to be around.
Speaking of Teddy Bears here's another one. This is a pic from a series Germanbuilder did where he stood over the camera to make you face up to him. I always loved it because I'd love to look up to him. He's another guy that just has this good vibe. If you've read his mymuscle profile you'll see that he's a pretty down to earth guy. There is a reason why he has a huge following.
Thanks to my boyfriend I am truly an ass man as well as a pec man. I can appreciate a guy with an amazing ass. This guy has just an ass I want to tongue forever. Just great shape and I personally like that specific tan line. The reason is that it shows he does go outdoors a lot, but he's not an exhibitionist. Just makes it easier for me to think of him as a guy who keeps fit, but does have hobbies outside of the gym.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The first two videos are Harley Everett and Leo Helios. For some reason the studio that did this decided to split this into two parts which annoys me because the 1st one does a good job of getting you ready for the big fuck, but it doesn't happen until the 2nd part. So keep that in mind when you are deciding which one to watch. Next is Landon Mycles fucked during a photoshoot. I think this and the cop scene are the most used scenarios in porn. Every porn studio has done it at least 10 times it seems. None the less it's still hot when done with the right guys with the right lead up. The 4th clip is from a Kristen Bjorn movie, but of course I can't remember the name of it. Well you have the younger brother who's just a lazy bum who likes to suck dick. He then gets caught by his "older brother" who threatens to tell their dad. Another classic scenario. Next is Vadim Farrell and Manuel Rios. I must say I'm glad BelAmi has moved from the super twinks and gone for more of the fitness model look. One reason why I couldn't stand the studio is because they only had these super twinky guys and I don't find them as hot. Plus I like the lead up with the interview type process because they don't ask those dumb filler questions they get pretty dirty pretty quick. Sixth on the list are some blonds on a boat. You can tell that this was done in the era where to be a porn star all you had to do is be blond with a nice build. That's all they ever asked. Ignoring that it's a decent scene. Unlike a lot of movies in this era they seem to be enjoying themselves and not doing it so much for a pay check. Then last up is a vintage threesome. Like I said before I like vintage stuff because they did spend less time doing everything. It's kinda like hey we don't have a lot in the way of editing so lets not try to get too fancy.
Came to the conclusion
So I've come to realize that I don't think I can spend the rest of my life or even 30 years where I am now. The trip back down to Texas made me realize that. I don't like being this far away from my family. Plus at least there you can find places to just be gay. Here is such a big secret. I can't come out to anyone because it's a small conservative town and people will stop shopping the store because of it. There are a lot of old people that are stuck in there ways. I don't know when it will happen, but it will happen. I don't want to say anything to my boyfriend because right now a lot is going on and he'd just blame it on that. Plus I want to spend more time thinking on it. Don't think it will happen this year or even next year, but depending on what happens with a lot of years it could happen as early as 3 years from now or 5 years from now. I just honestly can't imagine spending 10-30-40 years here. Just not worth it. I love my boyfriend, but I also love being able to be myself and I can't do it in this town. I can't have real friends because I don't go anywhere to meet anyone. Right now my only gay friends are back in Texas and the ones I meet off that social site I'm on. Like to be able to meet in person and just talk.
This guy has great pecs. I can not remember his name. Think it was Paul something. The thing is he looks familiar. Just wonder if he's done some muscle worship video for someone. This was clearly taken at a bodybuilding event. You can see his poser kinda sticking out and based on the builds of all the guys behind him and the chick that was cut off that they are all pretty buff. He's the type I could easy fall for. He just has this look like he is a very nice guy who you can talk to for hours then after words fuck your brains out. Plus I'd love to be all over that chest of his.
I use to have such a thing for Bo Dixon. The use to part comes from people who said he's pretty into himself. Plus at the time he was still saying he was bi then finally settled down with a guy. Apparently the reason he got out of porn was because he had a huge stalker problem which isn't hard to believe looking the way he does. Although I think he's now into modeling or maybe he's a fitness model because I see new photos of him popping up everywhere. Wouldn't shock me since he seems to have gotten into bodybuilding.
I want to know the back story for this photo. He looks like he's just been sucked off and is catching his breath. I've always wanted to do this. Have a guy sit back in a chair while I suck him off and watch him squirm and moan as I'm sucking him off. This guy would be one I'd gladly suck off. You know he likes you to call him daddy in bed. Major turn on.

Monday, July 18, 2011
The first video is David Knoll jacking off. David has that cute face and a nice hard body. You are seeing that a lot. I know guys that shop the store that have this look of an innocent teenager, but the body of a well built 25 year old. Kinda messes with your mind. Then it's Steve Fox and Brick Stanton. There is no sound to this one sorry. Honestly I can't imagine much of anything worth listening to being said. Plus from my count Steve never did cum, but clearly the scene goes on further as you'll see towards the end of the clip. If that didn't give you enough of the Fox name then you are in for a treat with this third clip. It's Steve, Ryan, and Ty Fox. Basically they all play brothers (but no they are not really related) who have come together in this hot sweaty threesome. Next is Francios Sagat jacking off. I want to guess that this was taken awhile ago because he looks so much smaller then what he has been. Then again I don't know the date of production for this. Then it's Brice Farmer and Harley Everett. I don't know what it is about this scene, but Harley looks smaller to me. Probably because I've seen a video (and will be posting it tomorrow if it's still there) where he was with a shorter guy and that probably made him stand out more. Anyway it's a pretty good clip because Harley looks like this guy who gay bashes, but no he actually kisses and sucks guy's dicks. A hot guy for sure. Last up are 3 guys jacking off. A pretty good clip. There's also some kissing and mutual rubbing. One of the better 3 guy jack off clips.
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