Friday, February 22, 2013


First up is Tom Katt and Scott Ransome. This is from the movie Total Corruption 2 I believe. It's the final scene where Tom busts Scott out of jail dressed as a cop. Yeah I know too much about porn. Next up is Buzz and Marcello. In case it wasn't obvious, Buzz is the guy with the buzzed down hair and Marcello is the the guy that looks Italian. Buzz is actually a gay cop and the top in the feature. Like most videos from theguysite they start off doing photo shoots before really getting down to it and end in the shower. Third up is a vintage clip of two soldiers fucking. Kinda no more needed to say there. Sticking with the vintage theme the next clip is two leather bikers. I know this is a Colt video, but I can't remember what video it was a part of. By far one of the hotter things they put out. This video is one of the biggest reasons why I got into guys wearing leather. Last up is Daniel Marvin and Pedro Andreas. This is from when they were a couple. Man those two really knew how to fuck. Shame they aren't together anymore.

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