A book of all the lessons I learned from my relationships with my exes. I think that would be an interesting read. I mean think about it we learn a lot about ourselves in the people we break up with. Even if they break up with us. For me I learned that if you are in a relationship with someone and they lie about their name and age don't bother with them. If they can't be honest with you when they start a relationship then they have many other problems. I also learned that jealousy is not as attractive as people think it is. I couldn't talk to any gay guy without being accused of them wanting to sleep with me or vice versa. Another thing that I learned. Sex is not a must. My ex would always insist on having sex several times. Yeah we only saw each other once a week, but after we do it once and I say I'm tired and don't want to do it again, don't push me to do it some more. Especially if I'm bottoming. The dude tried taking my dick and I had to hear about how his ass still hurt a week later. I think though the best thing I learned in breaking up with my ex is that rushed relationships don't work. If you go in wanting it to work so bad, you'll find yourself being lost. You won't be you anymore. You conform to how you think the other person wants you to be. Didn't mean to get all preachy, but when I was giving advice to my friend it just reminded me of my Ex.

This picture has quite a few things I like. 1. I do like guys in leather. 2. I love guys with facial hair. 3. I love hairy guys 4. I like guys that have a nice build. 4. I love guys that love to play with their nips. I just find it hot. Like I said I'm a chest guy. I love guys that have built up a good set of pecs. Sure as hell is not easy.

Well this is an interesting photo. Makes you wonder if he was just caught off guard. I must say he is cute. I'm also partial to guys with nip piercings, tattoos, and pierced cocks. The last one is more of of respect really. I mean that has got to be painful. Although I think someone said since the penis is mostly cartilage it heals quickly and doesn't hurt for too long.

This photo just makes me really wonder how much do bodybuilders get off on other people admiring them? Maybe his dick isn't even hard or chubbing up, but what if it is. I'd like to think that they do. It plays into a fantasy I have about a bodybuilder can be seduced into doing anything if you admire him.
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