So my friend and his bf are back to being right as rain. Now my friend's bf said to me yesterday that me, him, and my friend should have a threesome. I figured he was joking and I told my friend. Well they talked about it and he really does want to have a threesome. Here's where the conflict comes in. I want to do it to. I mean my boyfriend has given me permission to play as long as the guys are clean, but that was before we became steady. So now I'm just trying to figure out what to do. I mean I have until July to figure it out. I mean I really want to do it. I've always wanted to do a threesome. And these guys have been tested and are clean. I trust them, but maybe I'm too eager to do this. I don't know. This is why I'm conflicted. I'm afraid to even mention it to my boyfriend. I mean I'll be away from him so he won't know unless I say something. Yet at the same time I don't want to do that. I guess I'll have to figure it out when it happens. Right now it's a couple of months away.

I must say I love this picture. Mainly because you really don't see many guys with cocks that stick straight out. Most are up all the way or down. I always loved dicks that stick straight out just because it was easy to suck on those. Not to mention I'd love to play with those legs.

Ironically this was the next picture I chose. As you can see the dick sticks straight up like most. Anyway this is Brocky Brown. I find him incredibly adorable. Now I think this was a picture from his younger days because I swear he is way bigger then this. Plus he lost that boyish face. Anyway what I love about Brocky is that he's so soft spoken, but you get him to top and he is a beast. Those are the kinda guys that I find very attractive.

Great chest. That's all I can say. I mean just wow. Veins and lines in just the right places. Plus he has very nice nips. Not going to lie I'd do something different with the hair, but hey that's just being nit picky.
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