Nothing is really going on in my life. Relationship with my boyfriend is fine. My friend isn't haven't so many problems. I think I'm feeling down because spring was here and now it looks like winter again. It's times like this that really make me wonder how much more of this can I put up with. Apparently this was an abnormally harsh winter, but if next year is like this I don't know. I don't think I'll be able to stay up here.

Well here is a nice looking muscle daddy. Just love the look he has. Seems like the daddy that loves to take charge. I also bet he has a great smile. I know that's something weird to say based on the picture, but I don't know. Just something about him says yeah in bed he can be down right scary, but outside of bed he's pretty light hearted.

I find it funny that I figured out exactly who this guy is. Germanbuilder. There was a phase when he did a lot of his movies from an overhead position. Plus I've seen enough of his videos to recognize that chest anywhere. Shame his camera broke so there haven't been any new videos of him. I look at him and I'm just shocked at just the definition and size. Then on top of that he's diabetic. Just proof that diet is everything.

I must say everything on this guy seems to bulge out. I'm sure this guy does not disappoint in the bedroom. Unless that's full mast.
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