So I was in the shower today and this thought occurred to me. What if my boyfriend said we could have an open relationship? I mean when we first met that is one thing we talked about. He isn't a very sexual guy. Hasn't really ever been one. As the years go on he's not going to suddenly want to have sex more. Then I thought back to one thing he said which was that I could go out and play as long as I was safe. This was back when we were first dating. Then we agreed that we wouldn't do that. Well I'm not sure if it's the fact that we haven't had sex in 2 weeks or what, but I'm just thinking about it more. Is having sex one time a week really enough for me. I'm not going to cheat. He meets all my other needs perfectly. So I don't feel the need to cheat. I do however feel the need for more sex. The problem is I don't want to make sex such a big deal in our relationship. I want him to know yeah I want sex, but I'm not going to break up with him if I don't get it as often as I want. That's how my ex was. I think I need to sit down and think this over more.

I forgot which blog I got this off of, but it drew my attention for 2 reasons. One I love this guy's chest. 2. when you kinda don't focus on it, the pecs kinda look like they're bouncing. Which I could play with them. Wish I could get my pecs to look like that. Hair and all.

It's always funny how there are muscular guys with that haircut. I mean he doesn't look like he was in the army, but hey I could be wrong. Plus it looks like it's dyed. Kinda throws off the rest of the picture. Wish guys would dye a natural color if they are going to dye it. And if it's not dyed I want to see proof i.e. his pubes.

Gauge was such a big name not even 3 years ago. Then all of a sudden he disappeared. I mean the guy was everywhere. I first saw him on muscle gods, then saw him on the ilovemuscle website before that got defunked. Then he showed up on tons of Jet Set videos. Then he did one last video and disappeared. Shame because I think he had lasting power. I mean he had the tight body. He had that cocky attitude that was just right. Plus that lion tattoo was sexy. No matter how you look at it. Plus when he did that video with Joey Jordan. Omg I loved that video. Always makes me wonder if he struggled with his sexuality and that's why he got out of it. Maybe it was a stalker thing like with Bo Dixon. Who knows. Just wish he'd come back.
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