I'd never say I'm the most observant person in a room. I miss things quite easily. Well I was searching through facebook, removing people I only friended for games and what not. Well I was looking for this one guy and couldn't find him. So I went on his brother's profile to find him. Well looks like the brother deleted his facebook. Then I noticed that the brother was in a relationship with a guy. Well you go through his photos and you don't see him and his boyfriend. Then again not everyone flaunts it. And he doesn't really take photos he gets tagged in them. Well I sit there and think well did I miss the signs. There was one guy who came out that didn't shock me in the least. He started to well flame around sophomore year. Then by senior year it well seemed like one of those things we knew but didn't care about. It's not like I would have done anything if I knew back then. He wasn't my type, but I see it happening more and more. All these people I knew in high school are coming out. Some are shockers others not so much. I know it's not going to stop now. I'm sure guys will be coming out for years to come. I'm sure others are out, but just don't flaunt it. I know I'm not. Least not until I either go back home or my mom stops being my friend on facebook.

Try not to make a dirty caption. I seriously dare you to look at this photo and not think something dirty. I mean both of them are wearing the skimpiest posers ever. Both do not leave anything to the imagination. Plus the guy on the right hand side is looking down and it looks like he's looking at the other guys crotch. The other funny thing is that these guys look like body twins. Everything seems almost identical from one body to the other. I'd love to see these two fuck each other. It would probably be a very equal scene. Taking turns topping. Well I'm getting a boner thinking about it.

I'm actually glad I found a photo of Trace Michaels. I say that because it seems he has a new gig. Seems like he's doing what Tyler Saint is doing. Massaging guys then fucking them. Or it's someone that looks like him. I have a video of him and it looks like he stuck thumbtacks in his back. I'd like to see this new one he apparently did to see if they are still there.

Well this guy is truly a muscle bear. Yeah he's not overly hairy, but he's just right for me. Plus he has hair on his face which gets me to call any guy a bear. I love the shape his body is in. There isn't a thing I'd change about it. He looks like he has strong legs that are well proportioned to his upper body. Just wish I had a name and a video of him.
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