So the conflict has been resolved. I'm doing it. My boyfriend did give me permission to play around as long as I was safe. I never took him up on it because living in this small town I wasn't about to put myself out there. Plus I didn't want to end up finding someone and making it a steady thing. Plus my friend and his boyfriend talked it over. They really want to do this. They both agree it's something they want to do. They both agree they won't be jealous since I have made it clear I find both of them equally attractive. It also apparently brought up a discussion about possible thirds in the future. They both have agreed from time to time it is ok and as long as both are present it will be ok. They both also have to agree to the third which is why it worked out so well for me. I do admit I'm kinda jealous of that. My guy is so shy. I mean when I introduced him to one of my gay friends he just didn't say much. He was so awkward. Granted he has a reputation he doesn't want ruined, but I mean we were in a different state. Plus he isn't an overly sexual guy anyway. So I have something to look forward to in July and something to write about. Should be fun.
Just a little note. Any video from mymusclevideo might not pop up on your computer. It sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. If there should be a video and it's a white space it's probably from that site. What I do when that happens is go to the website click on a random video (don't have to watch it) then refresh the first site. Anyway this was a video posted yesterday. It's called Pecs & Pussies. Hold on calm down. It's a pec bouncing video and randomly he picks up his pussycat. Turn off the sound. The music is terrible, but you know me and pec bouncing. So apparently Vince Ferelli's b-day was either yesterday, the day before, or today. I sadly didn't look it. Anyway just a happy B-day to him. This picture reminds me of the first time I saw a video with him in it. He was kinda scruffy, but he was pretty much shaved. Just this big loveable guy. Great smile, but could be such a dirty little sex pig. One reason why I'd love to meet him. Got this from I love my sugar daddy I believe. I love it because it's a good vintage photo. I mean this guy has the leather straps and chains. And he has that classic build. I love photos like this. It's an art form that doesn't seem to be replicated in a lot of the photos nowadays.
All Models are 18 and Over. Must be 18 and Older to view the content on this blog. All images and videos were found on the internet. I am not the owner. I will remove anything that infringes on a copyright at rightful owners request.
A 20 something year old who has been out for about a year now. Not a fem by any means. Live in a small town now so obviously can't let on who I am. Don't try to label me because I can't even label myself. It's fun being complicated.
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