That's kinda how I've been feeling lately. I mean honestly just feels like everyone talks up my dick, but there isn't much to talk about. My boyfriend says it's huge, a couple of my fuck buddies back home say it's huge, my friend and his boyfriend insist it's huge. Well I say it's average. It's not even 8 inches long. It's 7. It's not like there is a lot of girth. Well I finally got an answer now. Which is nice because like I said it was bugging me. He said it's just the right girth per length. The head is big without being so big it's painful. It hits the prostate no problem. I think in this day and age when you see so many pornstars with 9 inch dicks or dicks that are something to write home about you look down and wonder is it true that mine is something impressive or do guys just say that to get in my pants. I don't know why I got so anal about it either. Just something that was bugging me so I just had to know.

I look at this picture and I'm kinda conflicted. I mean the guy has a great body no if's, and's, or but's. The thing I wonder about is the $uccess written on his chest. Is it success because you get paid to look good? Or was this part of some editorial. I'm just so conflicted. I like guys with great bodies obviously, but I don't like them to be pompous or full of them self. That's so unattractive. The sad part about thinking. Messes with your dick.

I always have a soft spot for guys that look like this. That clearly take care of their body, but don't let it consume their life. Plus I love the hair on the chest and stomach. I love playing with that hair. This is my big goal. To be a guy that's 65 or older that still has a decent body. Seems like so many guys let their bodies go once they get over 50.

This guy is incredible cute in my book. I don't know what specifically does it for me. Yeah he has a great body, but so do a lot of the guys who's pics I post. It's not the nips because they aren't too big. Honestly I think it's the face. Just the smile he's giving. Also something about his sideburns too. It's weird.
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