So I finally get over my little bit of relationship drama and now my friend is having his own. So I played matchmaker for them. Which I never mind because I like seeing them happy and personally I think they'd be happier together then apart. Anyway so now I think I fixed it. Well me, my friend, and his boyfriend's god son. I then got his mind off of what was going on, by just talking to him. See when I talk to him I just can't help but think how perfect he is for my friend. For one they are both perverts. The other thing is they have issues that both of them need to work out together. I just hope when I talk to him (friend's bf) tomorrow he'll be saying all is good. I think there was just a minor thing that got blown up because he was angry about something else. I just don't like to see my friends upset. I'm going to be on pins and needles until it gets resolved.

This guy reminds me of Vince Ferelli. He was the first guy that popped into my head when I saw this guy. Must be the hair. Plus they do have similar builds. Now that's not to say this guy isn't cute himself. Love that smile. For sure has a body to write home about.

This guy is the once popular Damian. I think at one point he did use a last name, but well it disappeared. I always had a little thing for him because he was one of the first guys that I saw nude. I think he's what stared my little obsession with bald guys. The really sad thing about him is I think he retired not because he wanted to, but because he had to. The last video he was in (When Bears Attack) he just seemed to have a hard time staying hard and at the end didn't cum. There was a scene in Bear Hotel from Butch Bear where you heard him say he couldn't fuck standing for too long because of his knees. Shame too. He's just so sexy.

This is another guy that left on a sad note. Tom Howard was a big colt model. A couple of years ago he died. It was really sudden and unexpected. I can't remember the specifics of it, but the dude was I think 46. That was the real shame. I mean he basically looked like that. And apparently he was a very nice guy. That's always my favorite type of guy. Has a great body, but is a very loving person.
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