There is a lot I remember about that day. Very well in fact. Paul was writing down what Coach was telling him about his reps and weights etc. The thing I remember the most though is this. Coach was flexing in the mirror and had this rope with knots in it ever inch or so. He had Paul measure his arm. I also remember coach was a little miffed cause his arm didn't have big of a pump as it should. Funny the things you remember huh? Well I'll be the one doing the measuring. Actually we should do that. Make a log book. I know Coach wants to track his progress.
I saw this picture of Chris Duffy around the same time me and Coach started talking. Even though Coach is not that much taller than me it just makes me think of us. Me resting my head on his very muscular chest. Him holding me tight. It's a cute picture that makes me smile so much. Makes me a happy boy.
So Adam has mentioned that he can hear the happiness in my writing and it makes him happy.Well I'm glad. Shows he's a true friend. Sadly I can't say the same for others. I know going forward there will be some guys who will go out of their way to say we don't belong together. They will try to break us up to get one or the other. They will talk just to talk. With that in mind I couldn't help but remember this song. I heard it for the first time when I went to a movie with my mom. Don't remember which movie even. It was a few years later that I finally got it on my iPod. It's a great message. The imagery was perfect for the song. Oh and look out for Ray J. His appearance is just funny. He just randomly pops up while Brandy is singing. Made me out right chuckle.
:) that is all!!