Before I get started I'd like to thank adam for the comments. I write this section more for me than for anyone else, but it is nice to know that there is someone out there who does actually care about what goes on with me besides the videos. Now onto today's topic. So let's flip the coin. How will my ex react this week? I'm starting to see my ex's problem more and more. He has this grandiose idea of what people should do. What I mean is that he got mad at me on Saturday basically because I didn't say thank you. Correction because I didn't say thank you enough. He got mad at me because I didn't respond fast enough to his e-mail. He got mad at me for my friends not reacting the right way. Oh where to start. How about the fact I fell asleep on a 20 minute drive because I was tired. Yeah he got mad at me cause I fell asleep in the car on the way to car shop which I didn't want to do. If he had paid attention to me he would have seen I was kinda getting groggy. This happened last week. Or how about when my parents called up after they saw my new car. I told them to thank my ex (I used his name not referred to him as my ex) and apparently I was just doing that for show. Or how about my favorite dig he does, I just don't care about him. And he wonders why I'm so confused. I'm confused as to if I should just leave his ass high and dry. Say fuck the lease fuck my job and just leave. Oh and then he gets mad at me for defending my friends. I mentioned last week that he sent this kinda swan song e-mail. None of us felt it was sincere, but it was the most sincere thing he wrote. Basically he was saying he was out of the picture and then got mad at them because they didn't try to fight harder to be his friend. I hold my tongue on a lot of things, but clearly I have to give this man a reality check. In a break up, most people naturally pick a side. I met these guys first and I talk to these guys more. Sorry if they just naturally move to my side. I don't send them long rambling e-mails and chew them out for not responding properly. Yes some people can stay friends with both parties after a break up. I tried to get my ex to see that, but no I was just defending them. So I stopped talking because apparently everything I say is the wrong thing. So then he says fine ignore me like you always do and slams the door. I sit there. I get up and start walking around with my arms crossed. I'm thinking of what I should do. If I should just continue to ignore him or confront him. He then comes out seems me doing this and assumes I'm going on the attack. I said I'm just thinking. No that's your angry posture you are going on an attack. Well that pissed me off and I did. Now I didn't interupt him during his whole tirade yet he loves to do it to me. So after I finished he shockingly left and went to bed. So how was Sunday. Seemed to get better then I seemed to piss him off again. Oh and 5 bucks says I'm going to piss him off again today. There was a letter I was suppose to mail out for him since I have stamps at the office and I forgot it at the apartment. Not on purpose. I thought I had it with me along with my insurance papers. Well turns out I didn't bring either so this will be my fault and me trying to sabotage him. The more arguments we have like this the more I want to just storm off and say since I'm such a bad friend and so selfish (his words not mine) I should just get out of your life. Yet then he will come back and say he didn't mean it and I'm his best friend and blah blah blah. If any of that was true we wouldn't be having so many arguments, but he expects me to know everything going on in his head. He expects me to always pull him up when he's down. He wants me to say these magic words to make everything better. He wants me to be in a relationship with him. After all I've seen and all the things he has said to me why would I do that? Why would I go back to him when I don't do anything right and I'm so selfish. Answer I won't. I'm not even entertaining the idea anymore. The only thing I'm trying to figure out is if I should say fuck you when the lease is over or not. And I'm leaning a lot towards the fuck you option. So taking bets. Will I piss off my ex once again this weekend or will he pretend like we are buddies. One thing to factor in is that I'm going tubing with friends this weekend. He was invited to come along, but couldn't. Yeah I'm leaning towards getting yelled at too.

I don't think I really can say it enough. I miss Carl Hardwick. Yes I know Rusty Jeffers is enjoying a bodybuilding career and I should be happy for him, but well' look at him. He just was such a great Colt model. Plus he reminds me of Colts golden time. When they seemed to do a really good job with movies. They are kinda getting back into the swing, but it's just not the same. I think if Carl would come back for one more video he would get these guys to see what made Colt so famous in the first place.

I don't know which one to choose. Both guys are very sexy and have nice builds. I do like facial hair, but the guy sucking his dick is very sexy. Do wish that they weren't shaved. I'm not hating on smooth guys, but I find it's more fun to play with guys with body hair than without. I just love to pet the pelt.

Can you guess who this is. Most of you already guessed. Yes this is Skye Woods. You can tell not only by the tan line and the tattoo, but also the nips. Lately seems like Skye doesn't want to show his face which is weird since we've all seen it. He posted a video recently that was more focused on his chest, but even when he got up he didn't show his face. Just find it odd.

If only spider-man looked like that. Granted that is the symbiont spider-man, but still. I always did prefer Vemon to Spider-man mainly cause well Eddie Brock did have quite a bit of muscle to Peter Parker. Basically that body is what I see Eddie Brock having. I know Peter is a nerd and suppose to be smaller and more flexible, but well I wouldn't mind if he bulked up a bit. Would really help with that super human strength.
Thanks doe! Super sweet! Your EX is an asshole. He has so many damn insecurities that he is taking them out on you. If he is causing you this much trouble then tell him to fuck off. You are so much better them him in so many ways. It seems he is never happy with yoh no matter how hard you try. Kick his ass to the curb. :)