This is going to be a rough April for me. A lot has happened in such a short period of time. My friend has been laid off so he's spending more time at home, which actually means he's spending less time online. So I won't be talking to him nearly as much. It's basically like a weekend all the time now and I rarely see him on the weekends. Yesterday was the prime example. He didn't get on until like 10 and when he did get on he got off shortly after I asked his advice on something. Then he was on off and on. My boyfriend is going to be pretty scarce this month because he has a family medical thing to deal with. So there will be a lot of nights I'll be alone. I'm going to have a lot more responsibilities at work. My sister's birthday is coming up too. Won't be there to celebrate it again. Not only that but realizing that she's getting older means I'm getting older. Spring has still hasn't sprung yet. It was snowing just the other day. It's just going to be a tough month and with my main support guy not really being there I'm on my own. And I can't exactly say get online more to entertain me. Might even be a long May too.

I swear whenever you see a guy tenting it makes his cock appear longer. It's why I'm such a big fan of photos of tented dicks. Plus what an interesting cut in the fabric. Looks like the pants fabric has a cut and the dick is poking out of the briefs. An interesting shot.

This is Hayden Taggert or Rocky depending on where you are looking him up. He's a pretty sexy dude. Great build. I'd just like to see him get worshiped or fuck another guy. He does a lot of solo work. Actually I can't think of anything recent he's done. Then again I don't keep up with manifestmen.

I find Big PJ very sexy. He has an Australian accent (and I find Australian guys hot as hell), wears glasses (got a thing for that too), and is bald. I really had a thing for him. Then he kinda disappeared for a long time and popped back up with the relaunch of his site. Now seems like he's faded again. I went on the site and it says it's updated weekly. I'm not a member so I can't say if that's true or not. Anyway I like him hairy and scruffy. Sometimes he's clean shaven and looks very professional. Loved to meet him.
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