I'm very anxious. I know I am because I came again today. I don't do that. I don't cum two days in a row. It's part of me teasing myself. I release maybe one session and then have sex with my boyfriend later on in the week. Well I think I'm going to be cumming a lot these next few days. My boyfriend can possibly be leaving as soon as this afternoon or even early tomorrow morning. Won't know until about 8:30 today. Well the 8:30 thing tells me if he'll leave early in the morning. I'll know if he's leaving tonight later today. Probably going to be bothering my friend and new chat buddy more to not feel so lonely.

I believe this guy's name is Xeres. Or it's spelled like that. Anyway I know he's a hairy muscle bear I love to watch. Plus I think he's tall. I haven't seen a video with him in it recently so I'm going off my memory. The point is that I think he looks hot.

This is Peter Johnson. I think he has another alias though. He is another one of those guys that says he's only gay for pay. Ignoring that fact he does make pretty good movies. For a straight guy he seems to really get into the scene. Also doesn't appear to have any problem taking cock up the ass. He kinda reminds me of my high school history teacher. They are about the same age. Peter is a bit more built but it's the hair that reminds me of him.

This guy is my big goal in life. I want to have a banging body for as long as possible. Now I know I won't look like that without a little help, but one can dream. Even if I do get as ripped as him I wouldn't mind the size.
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