I was watching a movie yesterday and a character mentioned the Kinsey Scale. If you don't know what that is (like I didn't) it's basically a scale from 0-6. 0 means you are completely heterosexual. 6 means you are completely homosexual. Now the scale is based on where you feel you are based on the descriptions. Now I did find two online tests that people created and I decided to try them. On both I got 4. My boyfriend also got a 4. Honestly I would have figured I'd be a 5 not a 4. I say that because my boyfriend has actually been with a woman sexually and had a relationship with a woman. So if he was a 4 I should be a 5. I say 5 because I have fantasized about being with a woman and I can watch straight porn and get a boner. Doesn't last too long, but I can get one. Anyway I bring this up because it actually puts numbers to what I've been saying. Basically the scale looks like a bell curve. If you don't know what that is then look it up. Basically there are few people who fall in the 0 or 6, but more around the 3 and 4. And it's not just a scale for guys. Now honestly I think the curve is a little off because I'm sure more homosexuals are willing to admit heterosexual fantasies while heterosexuals are so afraid to admit anything homosexual. Odd when you think about it. Seems like homosexuals are harder on bisexuals then heterosexuals are. Least that's what it seems like.

This is a photo from the new video coming out from Falcon. What makes this scene such a big deal? Well if you hadn't noticed that is Samuel Colt taking a dick up the ass. That's right it's the first time Sam has been fucked on camera. Whenever a top does this it's a big deal. The thing is that usually after you see the scene it's such a let down that no one cares anymore. I think this will be different. I think Samuel Colt will be as good of a bottom as he is a top which a lot of guys can't do. When Billy Herrington did it it wasn't a big deal because Tom Katt fucked him for like a minute and he was done. This scene looks like it will be a good one and I can't wait to see it.

Well I had to post this one. Look at this guys dick. Why doe guys keep doing this. Why do they have to inject things into their dick or vacuum pump it to the point it gets disfigured? The thing is he has a nice body. Not a fan of the face, but I'm sure his dick was fine. And if he hasn't done anything to his dick then wow that's some major swelling. Are we guys that egotistical that we are will to disfigure ourselves because we think we'll look better?

This photo should help cleanse your eyes. Must say Ty Hudson looks so sexy. His body has the right amount of hair and muscle for me. And that smug look he has. Makes me melt. Plus that dick looks very appetizing.
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