I was watching one of the morning news shows today and they mentioned something about matching people based on their faces. The idea was that we are attracted to people with similar facial structures. Well I guess that would help the argument of why is there incest. Anyway they basically said they look at several different points then compare them. Well that is all fine and dandy for straight couples, but does the same thing hold true to gay couples? Do relationships that work the best really depend on how similar the two guys or two girls faces look? Or in homosexuals is it completely different. Is it the more different our faces are the better the match. It's got me wondering. I know me and my boyfriend don't look alike. Wish I had the software they use so I could find out. I also want to test it on my friend and his boyfriend. If there really is some truth behind this, then that's why a lot of us feel this "love at first sight". Although I can honestly say I don't think I've really had that. Seems like my love comes from being with someone for awhile and seeing their true self. Meh just a thought.

I've always wanted to do this to my boyfriend, but he honestly doesn't like riding my dick until he comes. He prefers me to take control. I just think it's so hot have a guy going up and down on my dick while I jack him off. It's just so hot seeing the expression guys give riding dick. One day I'll get my boyfriend to do it. Or at least until I cum.

Now this guy is cute. I love his body. It's got that perfect ratio of cut yet with good sized muscle without being too huge. Now I'm sure he did cut a bit for the photo shoot, but it's still good. Plus he has one of those dicks that is fatter in the middle. I've never really been with a guy with a dick like that. Usually it was either a lot of girth or really long. Wonder what getting fucked by a dick like that is like.

What got me about this picture is the fact that this guy looks like he's sweating. Look at his stomach and right above the posers. I wonder if that's sweat or someone that didn't do a good job with the coloring. You never know.
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