Today I have nothing really going on. Been really busy at work so haven't had an real revelations. Other then relationships change. I think I'm starting to realize that my "best friend" isn't really my best friend. Seems like when he needed me more is when I saw him a lot. Now it seems like he doesn't have time to even say hello anymore now that he has a boyfriend. Yesterday he didn't talk to me at all. We have not not talked since last year when I was back in Texas and that was only because I didn't really access my computer. We did text a few times. I don't know I guess it tells me that we aren't as close as I thought we were. I know he has a life, but just dropping a line saying hey I've been busy I'll chat with you tomorrow. Something. I think I really do need to stop initiating contact first. Let him talk to me. I still don't want to tell him anything because honestly it will just come out as oh you are just pissed off because I have a guy now.

Now this is something you don't see everyday. Mainly because anyone that puts coloring on bodybuilders wears gloves because the stuff does well stick to skin. I mean I personally would also love to touch that ass with my bare hands. Maybe it's stuff that easily comes off. Interesting to say the least.

Got this image from
Gods Amongst Men. Mainly because I love these vintage pictures. This guy is just really good looking. He has that macho face that goes with his body. He has a great body and doesn't have to be overly muscular. He's the guy you'd see at the gym and you wouldn't mind asking for advice. Some guys that are models nowadays have that body that is kinda intimidating to get close to unless you are already on their good side.

I find it so hot when a guy starts tweaking his nipples while he's jacking off. If you haven't tried it then you are missing out. Now I will say that I do think there are guys that are just more sensitive there then others. It's just something I find really hot.
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