Since today has been a slow day at work, I was surfing blogspot to see what other blogs are out there. After seeing all of them it kinda made me wonder. Why do I like the type of guys I like. The type I like tends to be about 30-45 years of age (or older depending on the shape they are in), muscular, and hairy. That's just of course the physical aspect. So I kinda thought about it. Well the older is kinda simple and muscular part is kinda easy. My dad use to subscribe to Muscle and Fitness and I would of course read it while he was. When I got older I actually took a few and hid them away. Most of the guys in that magazine were older then me in their mid twenties to early 40's and all were pretty buff. So that kinda inspired that. Now I don't know what inspired the love of hairy guys. Now that could be because of guys like Eric Evans and Tom Katt. They were buff and hairy. Well Tom Katt off and on, but still. So I guess I kinda associated muscle and hairy together. The age thing seemed to be more focused as I started seeing clips of porn stars. I hated seeing the twink stuff because it reminded me of me or my friends. Even to this day I don't find many guys in my age group as sexy. They tend to be older then me. There are porn stars who's work I never touched until they reached a certain age. Matthew Rush is one of them. I won't touch any of his earlier stuff, but things he does now I love. I know there are guys that are kinda the other way around and maybe when I get to their age I might turn around and say I want younger guys. I guess because so many guys that reach a certain age let themselves go. I mean there are just rolls after rolls on some of those guys. Not to mention everything sags. Well here are just some pics who I find very attractive and I think are at the perfect age.

These guys are perfect pillow buddies. Each guy has something that I like about them. Bo Dixon is hairy and really hot. I could just lay on him all day...and do other things. Zeb Atlas just kinda reminds me of home. I know that sounds weird, but I listen to him talk and he just does. He has great arms for holding on to and a really great chest. Now Tyler Saint is a little different. As you can see he's not as big as the other guys, but there is just something about him. Whenever I watch him I can't not look at him. He just seems to have the total package. Now Skye Woods is another one that I mean it's just kinda obvious. He has a great chest. A great ass, and he is amazingly flexible. Plus he has that face that you would just love to kiss. Now these are only four of the many porn stars I've fawned over since I first started watching porn. Guess this is only a little bit of what makes me tick. Guess tomorrow I'll look on the inside as well as out.
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