Got to admit I have a point. So I did my chest workout and took my protein leaving a weird taste in my mouth. My pre-workout is orange flavored and the protein is cookies n' cream. I kept burping up this orange cream taste for like 10 minutes. Then I perked up and just was alert. Now I'm feeling a little homesick. Not fun. It's probably because my brothers b-day is coming up soon and I've never missed it. Which reminds me I was going through my e-mail and I swear their was a clip of a guy who looked like my brother. Yeah that's a mood killer. Also think I'm getting bigger. Seems like my shirt is snugger. Then again one of my work shirts is a small the rests are mediums. I also think my testosterone levels are on the rise because spring is in the air. Just feel like I'm hornier then normal. Hopefully I'll get to work some of it off Friday. Got to be in to work early tomorrow and tonight is out night to watch comedies together. Maybe he'll be in the mood, but I doubt it. Seemed tired today. So the video I was going to post yesterday before I got side tracked with work and the day flying by was another clip of Marc West. In this scene he plays a physics teacher (I believe he has an actual degree in chemistry or some form of science. There was an interview in one of the movies he did where he mentioned he worked with a partner to formulate a new type of lube that they actually used on set) and of course his student has a little crush on him. The movie is called First Crush I think. There is another scene I like with Jason Branch at the end. Anyway if he was my science teacher I'd have the exact same crush and hope for the exact same outcome. I mean look at him.
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