My day so far has been well a headache. Too many things going wrong and don't really want to get into it. Anyway yesterday I was just exhausted. I ended up playing a game instead of blogging and I didn't feel like blogging. I managed to get in an edging session which was long over due. I almost didn't workout because I was so horny. My boyfriend kept trying to wake me up, but I just wanted to play. Anyway it was a really intense session. My dick was bothering me the rest of the day. Guess I jacked too hard or something. I couldn't even look at porn because I felt no desire. Did get me to start thinking a lot though. Again I was watching porn and thinking omg I'll never get to do that stuff again, but I reminded myself that I didn't want to do that stuff when I was single. I have a man who makes me so happy to be with him. Everyday I miss him more and more when I'm working. I love cooking for him and watching movies with him. We do things for and with each other. I mean not many boyfriends would wake you up at 6 to workout. I was also thinking about something. I was surfing through blogs people follow and I found one called muscle chubs or something like that. So as I was looking through it I started thinking. I keep setting up how I should look compared to bodybuilders and porn stars who are basically suppose to look at good as possible. See a power lifter is pretty muscular, but they never have to cut fat. So sometimes they just look like strong fat guys, but if they were to cut and work on the size of a body part instead of the strength then they would be like a bodybuilder. So I need to stop being so hard on myself for not seeing results that are that dramatic. I mean I clearly am gaining strength so the muscle is working and getting stronger. Well anyway that's pretty much been my 2 days. So I figure I'll leave this post with 3 videos. First is a scene from El Rancho which is one of my all time favorite porn movies. I love the international stuff. Seems more passionate then the stuff here. Next is a scene from Muscle Man Moving Company starring Derek Steele and Jim Slade. Derek was again one of my favorites then all of a sudden he lost tons of mass when I saw a clip of him from the Jimmy Z muscle show and then he just disappeared. Lastly is a clip from a movie that I don't know. I use to have this file and watch it a lot. Just something about it that gets my blood flowing south.
All Models are 18 and Over. Must be 18 and Older to view the content on this blog. All images and videos were found on the internet. I am not the owner. I will remove anything that infringes on a copyright at rightful owners request.
A 20 something year old who has been out for about a year now. Not a fem by any means. Live in a small town now so obviously can't let on who I am. Don't try to label me because I can't even label myself. It's fun being complicated.
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