Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Really dude?

So I'm going to put a hypothetical. You talk to this guy online. He goes on and on about how he's going to pound you or take your dick so hard (depending on your preference) and gets you all hot and bothered. This guy is pretty good looking and you actually manage to meet him. Well turns out that sex with him is like having sex with a doll. That's right he doesn't really do anything. Barely sucks dick and certainly doesn't put much into it. If it wasn't for the occasional moan you wouldn't think you were fucking a real person. Well that's what I saw today in porn (don't worry me and matt haven't even gotten that far). I saw this guy in a solo where he was very vocal and seemed to be very into it. Then I see him in a scene and he was so quiet. You could barely hear him. Then when it came time to get it started the top had to force him to suck his dick. Then when it came time to be fucked he just laid on his stomach and didn't move. It was so bad that I couldn't even bring myself to post it. It was just sad. See I don't like bottoms like that. I want a bottom that will say or do things to excite me and in turn fuck them harder. When I bottomed I certainly didn't want a top that was just going to lay there while I fucked myself. I could get a dildo to do that. I've only had one bottom that just laid there and that was the first time I topped and it was just horrible. Luckily I've never had a top that just laid there.
Don't get me wrong I like a submissive bottom every now and again, but submissive doesn't mean you just lay there. It means you are saying things to encourage the top such as, "please fuck me harder"or "please give me your dick". And especially in porn. You see submissive bottoms, but they don't just lay there with their eyes closed. They are playing with themselves or begging for more. If a hook up did that to me I'd just move on. There is no point in even continuing. Just my thing. I'm sure there are probably guys out there that enjoy that. If you do then more power to you. Just don't expect me to post videos where the bottom or top act lifeless.
 I certainly mind seeing this guy at my gym, but I suffer from the same problem this guy does. I wear underwear under my sweatpants, but well my dick doesn't want to stay hidden. This guy would wake him up and I'd have to spend most of my time hiding in the bathroom.
 For the most part this has been pretty much every relationship I've been in. The guy is always taller than me, but I still tend to top. Personally I like the shorter guy. A stockier build which means more to grab onto. Also love doing this with a guy as a tease. Where the tips of our dicks touch. Drives them nuts.
 Wish this guy's face didn't get cut off. Yeah he has a great body, but I do like to see the face. Wonder if this was a private photo and the person that uploaded it cut off the face to brag. Kinda like what I did when I posted coach's photos. Must say that bird tattoo does look nice.
This guy would be playing the god of the sea Neptune. Will say that if I saw that giant staring me down at see I'd be ok with that. He does remind me of someone I know though.

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