Today, just randomly, I wondered what is my Ex doing? I probably thought that because I was thinking about my boyfriend. My boyfriend told me the other day (as a reminder) that if we did ever end things he wouldn't date another guy. I told him I thought he should, and he said no I got everything I was looking for on the first try (awww). It wouldn't be fair to anyone else I dated. I'd be comparing them to you. Well my Ex said the same thing when we were dating. That I was his first and last guy. Makes me wonder if he is dating someone, or is he just sleeping around. The way we ended things I wonder did I break him. I know I'm happy, even though I complain at times. Is he happy at all? Is he back to the guy he was before he met me. I guess I'm thinking about this because around this time last year I was heading back to Texas to visit the family. I didn't let my Ex know I'd be in town. Then I got home and he imed me and asked if I came home. I said yes and he said and you didn't let me know. That's cold. Yeah it was cold, but at the same time I didn't want to talk to him. I did unblock him from my im. Guess I'll just have to keep wondering.

So I don't know if this picture has been morphed or not. I mean typically morphed pictures have everything blown out of proportion. If it hasn't been I want to know what that guy does for a chest workout. I mean wow. I'd love to have some fun with those. I will say that they are kinda the only truly impressive muscles on him. I'm sure his arms are big, but they look small in this picture. He clearly has abs. He does have massive shoulders, but his legs don't look all that impressive. I do like guys with big pecs, but I also like guys that do have a fair balance. Mainly because it's hard to do. It's easy to train the muscle that responds well. Harder to make those stubborn parts grow.

Yesterday I posted a guy from the masters division. This guy was in the same set of pics. I must say wow. He looks like he did all this naturally. He seems like the right size. I find that very attractive. Who doesn't like a guy that takes care of himself. And he has a great set of hair. What it's true. I don't think he's fake. I think it's real. Just like I feel like he's a natural bodybuilder. I could be wrong, but you got admit if he did all that naturally that's pretty amazing.

I find it interesting that this guy is wearing clothes on a bodybuilding stage. Lately there has been this strip tease type posing routine. I think this guy is an actual contestant and he strips down. Anyway you can tell this guy has a massive chest and arms. I wonder what size that shirt is. Seems like it's very snug in some places and not so much in others. Same with his jeans. He clearly has massive quads, then the rest is noticeably smaller. I rarely see guys like this here in town. Yeah I know the guys that are big that shop the store, but that's because they usually wear something that shows it. When it gets colder and they start covering up more I usually don't see them. I think it's pretty hot when you see a guy wear a shirt that's tight in the right spots. Kinda gives this look of oh wow you can see everything, but I'm not showing off.
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