Today is just another Tuesday in winter. Not much to really chat about. It's cold out. I have to work my favorite job, and me and my boyfriend are still snugly. Well I guess there is one thing that I will talk about. I'm sure a lot of you have seen the shake weight for me. I must say it's kinda embarrassing for me, a gay male, to not be able to use it for the 30 second duration. Now granted the shake weight is harder then it looks (yes I know what I just said). It comes with this 9 minute dvd with this trainer on it. He says we do 2 sets of 30 second exercises. Well he doesn't even look like he made it the full 30 seconds. For the first like 10 seconds he'll be fine. Not sweating in the least, then all of a sudden he's sweaty. Then at the very end he's back to not sweaty. On one of the exercises it looked like it was all he could do to keep the form. It's just that you'd think that motion would be easy. Well jacking off doesn't really have any resistance to it. Will say that I will continue to use the shake weight. Really feels like it's working what it says it's working. Plus it strengthens my jack off muscles as my friend put it.

As some of you may well know this guy is Alexsander Frietas. A a very hot top who's tattoo seems to get bigger and bigger every time I see it. The thing I like about him is he has a look that he hasn't changed. It works for him. He has that beard/fuzz plus is hairy. He looks like a butch guy. Well I found a recent picture of him.

It saddened me for 2 reasons. The first being that he is no longer hairy. I like hairy guys and Alex was just the right amount of hairy. There he is with no facial hair either. I didn't even recognize him. The other reason is that he's now in a fisting movie. I'm sure that's why he had to shave down. Or he figured it went better with the movie. He just looks off without the hair. In everything he's been in he's been hairy. Hope he never does this again. The shaving and fisting movie.

In this day in age a lot of guys focus on their upper bodies. I mean a lot of exercises are meant for the upper body (shake weight included). Too many guys forget about the legs. Well this guy doesn't. In fact he's doing a pose to show just how well developed his legs are. I posted a picture awhile back of a guy doing a similar pose and just like this guy if you look at the right angle it kinda looks like he's doing a bicep pose. The calf looks like the forearm and the hamstring the bicep. If I recall right the biological name for hamstring is like bicep something. On the right guy you can see why. Wish more guys would focus on making their whole body big not just their arms or chest. Guys look so much better when they don't look like a lollipop or that they are a breeze away from toppling over.
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