So my boyfriend has been a bit down in the dumps. I think mainly because we don't see each other as much and when we do we aren't having sex because I'm getting in late or I'm getting ready to go to work. Well yesterday he just seemed to be feeling better. He was joking more. We play wrestled like we usually do. He pantsed me. Granted I did it first, but it was because we were in a playful mood. I think as the day that I no longer work that 2nd job fast approaches I think he'll be in better spirits. Plus things have picked up where he worked. It's still up in the air if they'll be around a year from now, but at least these past few days have made him feel better. With that being said he still has that nasty habit of bringing up politics. I just don't want to hear it since I have that personality type where unfair things bug me. When I hear something that goes on in Washington I rant and rave about it. I think it really is something I'm going to have to live with. He's very actively involved in politics and everything that is being made there. Really wish he wasn't, but oh well. I told him that it annoys me and he's pulled back, but I don't think he'll be able to stop. Then again I'm sure I do things that really annoy him. It's the whole give and take of a relationship.

I posted this video for two reasons really. 1 I just saw a video with this guy in it. Previously he was on theguysite as a guy named Neo. Now he's on men over 30 and his name is Max Sinclaire. I believe this is from his video with Steven Daigle. He's that guy that was on big brother then became a pornstar. Anyway he again says he's straight yet clearly here he is sucking a dick. Plus he gets fucked. How much are you being paid that you'd go that far? Or are you truly a gay guy pretending to be a straight guy being paid to go gay? Just weird. The 2nd reason is that in the video I learned something new. When a girl fucks a guy using a dildo or a strap on it's called pegging. Meaning that enough guys have had this done that it gets its own term. Again proving that really only 10% of guys are truly straight. Oh and in the video yes he said he'd been pegged and that was his first time hearing that term.

I chose this picture not for the obvious reason that you might be thinking. Yes I know his shirt says tight end, but that's not why I like this picture. I'm sure we've all seen that guy on the streets that makes you say to yourself wow. That guy is a real stud. Even if he's wearing a long sleeve shirt or a coat on. You can just tell by the face. Well that's this guy. He's aged beautifully. You can tell he still has a nice tight body even though you can't see it under the shirt. He just looks like a stud. I bet he was quite the guy/lady killer. Not that I'm saying he isn't now, but lets face it there are some guys and girls that would prefer someone younger. Anyway this is what I'm hoping for when I get older. To still have a nice body that makes people do a double take. I'd also like that face that says I'm a stud.
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